
Old Pigs Want To Hog Hogg’s Hog

This is kind of a dipshit opinion that you don’t actually need to share with anyone else. You could have done something more productive with your time, like walk into the ocean until you got tired

Yeah, so fuck you, too. Nobody cares about your hate-boner, bruh.

The nutters are pissed that this kid thumped the shit out of them. Instead of accepting defeat like the noble brave principled warriors they believe they are, the RWNJs are acting like the whiney wimp bullies they actually are and role playing as Mean Girls.

It’s not really a rhetorical question. These people are much more harmful to society than immigrants. Immigrants have risked everything and put in the hard work to give their family a better life. These people sit on the couch drinking Mountain Dew and f*cking all day expecting a handout. Unless you live in an area

“simply telling someone that having less babies will solve all their problems is insulting. Better education and jobs with a living wage are necessary.”

I’m feeling particularly incendiary

Women of Appalachia are “independent, strong and intelligent”

If the story was supposed to make me feel sympathy for those people, that line should have been omitted.

This is great article, and I did indeed read the entire thing. Does that mean I can post an angry, politicized take on it? Because a state that refuses to provide any sex education, a region with massive unemployment and underemployment, too few doctors, doctors who refuse to provide abortions, and people who continue

I grew up with the city version of this family. I made better choices. Never been pregnant. Never considered sex without birth control. Never did drugs. I’m not above those who make different choices. I just looked at my family and knew all those things would only make my life worse.

I grew up in an extremely small town in southern WV and it kills me to see what my state has become. Or, hell, maybe it’s always been this way but our little valley town was sheltered? I have no idea. I just know that when I see how fucked up it’s all gotten it makes me sad.

I do work in the region all the time, mainly drives and motors for hard rock mining, gas compressor sites, and water pumping stations.

These are the same fucking people who think immigrants are an economic burden on the country.

I’m originally from Kentucky, and as much as it pains me to say this (because I so badly want my home state to be better than it is), you are absolutely spot-on.

It’s all fine and well to be pro-life, but when you’re on your seventh child by the time you’re in your mid-20s, and cannot afford to adequately care for even

“Got a name picked out for this one, Brittany?” the nurse asked.

THIS. Even if they’re going to stubbornly continue to vote for fucking Republicans who don’t give two fucks about their poverty, even if they’re going to continue to be anti-abortion....why oh why oh why don’t they just use birth control? I truly do not understand.

Born and raised Appalachian here

I’m from the middle of nowhere South. And I can’t help thinking, all this would be solved if people would fucking use birth control and stop having babies when the community is dirt poor and those kids are just going to grow up suffering.

Where are all the stars for this comment?!