
+1 cookie

“You’re one of the good ones.” Congratulations.

Close, but no additional cigar.

“I’d like to introduce you to my daughter, Ivanka.”

Let’s just say, “her father and I are very close.” Almost like brothers, Inuit brothers to be exact.

But she IS a whiny cunt, like you. So... there’s that.

That’s not Drake. Drake died when the “Story of Adidon” dropped.

Why do you assume the manager was white? Perhaps the manager is black and doesn’t like assholes coming into his restaurant when he/she asks them not to. It’s Atlanta, there is a good possibility that the manager is non-white.

Who’s Becky, Rebecca and Becca?

Anyone who’s worked in the service industry knows that it’s against fire code to lock the door with customers present.

Bruh, they’re trying to build a prison for you and me to live in.

She also teaches young people magic spells because she looks like a hog with warts.

White On-air Comedian?

Calling Ann Dowd fat is not cool.

It’s the press’ job to be adversarial when those in power continually work against the interests of those who elected them.

Smoky eye? More like forest fire face.

Everybody is so fucking thin skinned that everybody hates everything.

Bleeding Gums Murphy is a scatting and beebopping jazz man.

I was with you until you said that you voted for Hillary. She suuuuucks! Bernie would have wiped the floor with Ronald Dump.

That’s OK. I live in such an area, and totally agree with you.