
They should have picked a homeless trans-person with a wooden leg.

Alternate Headline: Men Make #TimesUp Movement All About Them at Golden Globes

He’s an Uncle Abraham.

You’re welcome, but you misspelled fecestitties. #U2

Just pick a random word, and shout it over and over and over again while having one of your friends make tire screeching and machine gun sounds with their mouth. For instance, “swag *skirrrk* swag swag swag *skirrk skirrk* swag *braaaaap braaap* swag *skirrk*”


Relax. It’s an Isha Aran article. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t exist, and she’s meant to be parody of the racially-obsessed social justice youths that have taken one sociology class and think they’re #woke. You can always tell an Isha Aran story by the clickbaity headline that inexplicably includes a flimsy hot take on

Three elements of an Isha Aran story:

More like Justin Timberlake’s Chocolate Factory.

Maybe she has empty vaj syndrome. MILF porn is a real thing.

American History (never had) Sex

Mike Cernovich? The admitted rapist?

I live in the next town over, and do not share their backwards, anti-historical view of the flag.

They, like I, am from East Tennessee, a region of the state that sided with the Union in the civil war. Most of the Confederate flags people own do not represent their heritage, rather a worldview they acquired antebellum, and it ain’t a pretty one. Hopefully, the support they’ve experienced from people of a multitude

Not to mention, all of those are cis males, the worst kind!

She’s like the opposite of Shaun King.

I don’t think this is very #Offensive at all. It’s a moral choice that needs to be considered by anyone that has an opinion on North Korea. No #BrowniePoints for you.

As much as I wish he were stroking out, it just seems like his dentures slipped. Shoulda used Polygrip.

Gotcha. Well, #MeToo then, I guess. This is gonna make taking selfies at Christmas parties super awkward, but whatever I can do to score brownie points in the cause against unintended back touching. Be strong.

If she meant ‘ass’ then why not say it?