
I like how she creates a false sense of urgency and desperation with the use of “immediately.” What else are you supposed to do when someone sidles up to you for a photo?

Grabwaister - He grabbed her waist. You know, like most non-socially-awkward people do when someone puts their arm around them to take a photo?

He grabbed her waist? You mean like people do when they take a picture with someone? FFS - the Democrats deserve the shellacking they’re going to be taking into the foreseeable future, at this point. We should just go ahead and concede the midterms and elect Donald Trump for four more years.

He’s pretty salty, huh?

Shouldn’t it be called “I’m Not Racist, but...”

You must hang out with some real winners. I don’t know a single person under the age of forty that supports Roy Moore or Trump. Take your stereotypes and kindly get fucked.

He now enjoys the cover of having his pedophilic rape attempts cast under the same umbrella as Al Franken’s stupid staged photo. Thanks, “new media.”

You’re a dude, right?

“And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Hover your hands above three inches of steel reinforced body armor; anything you want.” -Al “don’t actually physically touch them” Franken

Thank you! Somebody had to say it!

Can we ban the ban on 500 Days of Kristin?

I’m listening. I respect you. Do you want to split a hotel room before the next march on DC?

“It’s realizing that it’s going to be hard as fuck. It’s being unconcerned with lauds and pats on the back and any other signs that women have recognized that you managed to clear a shin-level bar.”

Do you mean white and male?

OMG! He asked women if they would consent to sexual acts and was rebuffed!? Shock!!

Interesting how the article takes Metzger out of context to paint him as a rape apologist when his ultimate take was the UCB is a comedy club and therefor not equipped to investigate allegations of rape, pointing out that leaving the investigation to a comedy club would ultimately serve as a disservice to victims as

I’m not sure he really does, to be horniest.

Ugh. Thanks for cis-splaining this for us.

Oh, for Fuchs’ sake!

A week is still seven days, no?