
That’s Felipe Esparza. I can tell by his hair.

Tennessee is comprised of three regions. East Tennessee where Knoxville is located is too rocky and mountainous to grow cotton. Middle Tennessee where Nashville is, is also too rocky to grow cotton. Cotton is only found in Western Tennessee, where Memphis is. It would be totally out of place and require a bit of work

Ewwwwwww! Get him and his gross penis outta here! Stolen vaginal valor!

Puh-leaze! This is nothing more than a self-congratulatory rehashing of southern stereotypes. So your father, the CO2 guy and an old boss are racist. So are lots of other people in other parts of the country. I live in Knoxville, and yes many Trump supporters do seem to be emboldened by the election, but this is a

Only it’s a very short book called, “No, I Didn’t Do It. I’ve Already Addressed This, and Have Nothing Further to Say. The End.”

No you haven’t.

I thought placing gender above all else was the point of Jezebel and, more specifically, articles such as this one.

He literally said, and I’m quoting here, “no.” He then went on to say that these are rumors and he’s not going to give them life by saying anything other than, and I’m quoting here, “no.”

Who’s Jenna Kirman? I’ve heard of Jen Kirkman, who also said she was only repeating rumors and has no first-hand knowledge.

Before we begin, we should first acknowledge that all Shaniquas are the same. Maybe one day in the near future we will have a complete listing of the different kinds of Shaniquas, but for today, you should just know that according to the National Academy of Black Women Arts and Sciences, Beyonce is rated as a

Did he have a napkin in his lap, and did the napkin appear to have been used to clean up Hollandaise sauce?

I thought it was more or less settled that it was Naughty Boy Jim Norton.

That’s the joke.

I would blame it on a vitamin D deficiency if I were that guy.

I bet there are some real pseudo-Justice Warrior creeps that frequent that place to pick up chicks. “Hey, xe. What’s your pronoun? If you’re into gender normative, hetero relationships resulting in consensual intercourse, how’d you like to get woke at my place tomorrow morning?” See: Jamie Kilstein

This guy would make a great athlete... in professional tickling.

I have a similar Bonnaroo story, only this one is the opposite. It was leaving day of either the first or second year and traffic was impossibly jammed up. While waiting for traffic to clear, some friends and I hung out in one of the shade tents with several other people. In the back of the tent were some real

Does musk mean money?

Get that paper, gurrrrrrl! She’s taking that gold digging next level!

Plus, many dogs are racist.