
Why isn’t it called Spaceship Zoom Zoom Planet Game?


I guess some people have never seen a bumbaclotting live in person. That’s what it sounds like.

I hate to break it to you, but you’ve been fucking horses this whole time. It’s not ‘hey’ it’s ‘hay’, and is actually a question. In the horse world it’s polite to offer someone hay after fucking them.


I thought it was spelled J-I-Z-Z-M-O-B-R-O.

Sorry, Philly. Swimming has now been outlawed in your trash receptacle of a city.

Yeah! Fuck equality!

The vocal fry doesn’t get to me, but the heavy Chicago accents drive me into a frenzy!

This seems like one of those issues where dogmatism dictates that “no true liberal” can admit that there is a bit of truth to the opinion that Hillary’s voice is offputting. For that reason, I won’t posit that every time I hear Hillary shout that it brings me back to when I was a kid and my mom would tell me to take

I like the Puerto Rican version of Capri Sun.

I did begin a conversation with a woman because of Pokemon Go, but then she pulled the whole “yeah, my boyfriend loves this game.” pffft. She’s probably a lesbian. jk

Say, for instance, there were a douchebag congressman who likes to vape. Would there be any way to make sure his e-cig explodes in his face? I mean, not enough to hurt him, but enough to make him shit his pants in front of everyone.

“I got five on it” - OK, I guess you can hit it once or twice.

Exactly. Men are misogynist pigs that generalize all women as sexual objects.

Exactly. You can’t condemn a man for describing a rape as “gettin’ some action”. That would be like condemning Cosby for “just havin’ some drinks”.

I’m offended by the objectification of women and furtherence of the cis-gendered, heterosexual, male conception of what is considered attractive.

I used to take my Volvos over to European Motor Werks on Sutherland, and they did good honest work.

Meh. Content was weak and petulant. Would not read again.
