
The old saying goes, “If you lie down with Dawgs, you get fees.”

Fill the bottle a little less than a third full. Underhandedly flip it such that the liquid stays in the base and you’ve done. I literally just did it sitting here at work. I can also make a Coke can teeter on its edge. Whoopdie doo!

When she gets excited she sounds like a pterodactyl.

This may be my favorite thing I’ve ever read on the internet. The sanctimoniousness of this is just too funny.

I get it! She has dementia and was a college coach for a completely different sport. The joke was a hell of a stretch, but totally worth it.


This was a great story. I’m not sure why the misandrist angle was necessary for clickbait.

A bystander with a holstered gun enters the scen at 1:39. It looks like he is trying to calm everybody down, though.

The only thing McAfee has cracked lately is actual crack of the rock cocaine variety.

Hush puppies? HUSH PUPPIES!? Seriously, hush puppies at #1. Wait ‘til I tell the fellers about this one! Yankees, am I right!?

This was a breathtakingly long article that could have been condensed into four paragraphs or not written at all. Good job!


Synonyms and related concepts are dificult to discern. Sheesh, she should have just written that.

TL;DR - It’s not bullying if it’s done on behalf of a celebrity that has been identified by her publicists as the face of modern-feminism and the victim is judged to be a ho.

Lions aren’t friends with other lions. The world is not a Disney movie.

And right-wingers are child molestors. We all know this.

Exaclty. The Clintons are just bigoted super-monsters.

I wrote a poem too. Well, it’s more of piece of rhyming interactive fiction. It begins with a command.

You can’t even call him on substance, so you just went misandrist, huh? Whatever.

And replace ‘old phone’ with hand job.