
So a show in which everyone screams into the void, nothing ever gets done, and a lazy fat orange thing never appears but still ruins everything?

If he went Method and visited Fukushima for 2 years to get the skin juuuuust right

But they’ve already “moved up” to the “deluxe apartment in the sky”. Except Weezy, who knows very well what she did

Are you trying to curry favor with Ann?

I mean, if it’s doing this, or posting weird antivaxxer shit/defending Woody Allen/posting chemtrail conspiracy theories for most white male celebrities over 40 on Twitter, I’ll take this

You want them to scuttle the whole thing?

The second season Big Bad will be “The Bro”, a Nickelback-loving, backward-cap-and-flipflops-wearing villain whose only weakness is high fives

Culture II: Electric Boujee-loo

But have you ever played it.....on weed?

I’ll grope your clothes, your boobs, and your motorcycle

Depends on which part of Appalachia you’re from. If you’re in Northern Appalachia, then that’s correct. If you’re in Southern Appalachia, siblings tend to prefer a simple arm around the waist, unless it’s a formal occasion

No, but the Celebrity Sexual Assault tour was starting to take forever, what with the constant updates.

You didn’t have to jump out the window so soon after the joke. You could’ve let it linger

Could we maybe not do torches? That seems to be one of those things the racist bloc has claimed as “theirs”

30 Rock made wit of a Bitch Hunt?!? GET THEM!!!

Yes, but can this app turn Munch’s The Scream into a glittery kitty cat?

I think that’s been my default emotion since 2016

“I’ve abandoned my shows! I’ve abandoned my DVR! I’ve abandoned my Boy Meets World!

We’ll always have “Corn!”

But how does Daniel Day-Lewis feel about these shows?!?