
I GOD DAMN LOVE HILLARY CLINTON and I am DAMN TIRED of the media pretending people like me don’t exist. IT IS THE SILENCING OF OLDER WOMEN...women who are silenced because men don’t want to fuck us and younger women don’t respect us because they don’t see us as people, but like their mothers. AGEISM intersected with

For every actually controversial or bad thing Clinton’s done, there’s 10 other completely fabricated Republican attacks. It has made it hard to either compliment or criticize her. It has made it hard to have any discussion about her at all. The only thing the general public is left with is distaste and distrust for

Only with Hillary do we talk about her being “likable”. With Trump, it’s approval ratings and all that crap, but for soooooooooome reason, with Hillary, that becomes whether she’s likable. Or trustworthy, but that’s a whole other kettle of fish that doesn’t really pertain to the point I am making.

Fucking.... me. too. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

“But if you give her your vote now, you’re never going to be able to negotiate with her neoliberal side of the party, and you won’t be able to extract concessions to move the country left. Which is why, if you let Trump win this time, the Democrats are going to woo you and concede stuff to you in order to gain your

this is a good question. because i saw the butt of my dreams in the tom hardy comments section.

In a similar but unrelated note, I now bump into men who walk right into my path instead of moving to the side as we pass on narrow sidewalks.

I figured out what’s bugging me. It’s probably a matter of speaking style but it’s the phrase “all that unwilling”. It’s a statement that shows how her involvement measured.

No applause gifs or high fives. Just a thank you. Thank you

Please, in all seriousness, fuck off and die.

—Most people aren’t child-blaming monsters—

I don’t want to respond directly to the ‘please help me understand’ poster who ironically is the same awshucks ‘we just have bigger hands and bigger brains’ poster from yesterday (isn’t it funny how those bigger brains never produce any understanding), so I’m responding to you. I hope you don’t mind. Also, apologies

You can’t fuck a baby even if it can say the word yes because babies can’t consent.

She did not consent. She is a child, the age of consent is 17 and she is 12. Therefore, no consent.

It implies that the fault lies with the girl for not fighting back enough, and that the age factor is the only thing that puts fault on the man.

“She was not necessarily all that unwilling, but at the age of 12 it doesn’t matter,” said Kelly.