
Are you saying that she would have stayed silent the whole time? I say this because, in my experience, men sense your not into something as soon I've pulled away and said I should go (college is awkward). You don't always need an explicit "yes" or "no" to sense what the other person is feeling. Although, it isn't that

I know this was suppose to be a joke, but the answer is yes. To keep begging or asking for sex after a woman has said "no" is not respecting her bodily autonomy.

I've had 2 men get violent with me after I've turned them down, granted the vast majority don't, but all it takes is one guy pushing you into a wall at a party because I wouldn't dance with him to convince me that the "I have a boyfriend" is an easy answer.

Oh sure. I can't remember what card said exactly, but it was something about child molestation. I was NOT playing that care in front of a bunch of people I barely knew.

Lennon was SUCH A BAG OF DICKS. Just wanted to agree.

Yup. This. If he was sure he didn't rape her, he wouldn't be saying that.

What makes a statement unreasonable then? Would he have to make 3 or 4 questionable remarks instead of 1 or 2?

"game is especially popular with young nerds who consider themselves liberal"

Edit: wrong thread

The part I found really, really disturbing was that "they may have read things differently" and the part about what is an isn't consent is confusing. That's some bullshit right there. Any reasonable human being knows what consent and coercion is, even in "awkward college hook-ups".

This has got to be the ugliest couch on the ugliest rug with the ugliest wall color in the background. I love that the fashion industry's idea of normal is so depressing and tattered looking. Oh the plebs! They have such a banal existence!

I know this is random, but she has a great chin. I don't think I've been jealous of anyone's chin before.

The point, you missed it.

She's making a point about the interviewer, no the pilot's response.

Thanks for linking. I'm not a cryer usually, but the picture of that family broke my heart.

Seriously, these assholes almost always exhibit escalating violent behavior. If he's threatening your pets (for example), he's a fucking psychopath that very dangerous.

Yeah, I have to say that I think most people may have ideals that they apply online when judging people they don't know.

I remember talking to an ex-boyfriend about men's taste in women's bodies, and he told me that most men he knew tended to grow out of these sorts of "standards" when they started dating women in college and became attracted to a variety of body types. Most of them just absorbed what the media told them in high school

I second this. They make their fries from potatoes right there!

It's so funny, because my mother ends up having to be a therapist at points with them (snooooozzzzee). Then they hit on her and she has to have awkward conversations with them about how she doesn't want to socialize with them anymore because it's not appropriate to hit on your married colleagues. As if she would date