OH MY GOD. WHAT THE HELL. I'm usually not squeamish, but that was way, way gross.
OH MY GOD. WHAT THE HELL. I'm usually not squeamish, but that was way, way gross.
It makes me rage when I see stupid rich white people (like the Trump sons) go to Africa to hunt big game. I know it my be legal, but that doesn't mean it's OK. Hunting being legal in a developing country where laws concerning the environment aren't exactly up to snuff is pretty unethical and makes you a fucking…
I shall use your comment to try some of their hair products! I love testing out new
This is exactly me. I think I have about 10 different lipsticks. I wear lipstick about 1% of the time.
Yeah, super available is right. My mother works in a male dominated field with a fair bit of traveling involved. Her single male co-workers tend to walk around like their hot shit and hit on younger girls. Meanwhile they get all sad drunk at conferences and talk about how they're lonely and can't find a companion. OK,…
Nice strawman. Try again.
They were sharing a personal story about going though a difficult time. They never said the pawn shop would/should give them more money. They were backing up the idea that it's hard to get back a lot of money for certain assists.
You don't need facts and figures. Right. I bet you don't use them at all.
Right, it's her fault for not putting up with sexual harassment. You are pathetic.
This is a prime example of male entitlement to women's bodies or attention. What douchbags.
Why would you think this is what they were saying?
You are so awesome. Thank you for putting my faith back in humanity today. Seriously.
Well, when your working with immature idiots, I guess it is how it works.
Last time I checked, you can go to jail for thought crime. If I owned a business, I would immediately want to know if some of my employees were breaking company policy or creating a hostile work environment for minorities. Also, yes, staring at someone can be sexual harassment. You're an idiot.
1. Yes, it makes her very, very brave. Which is wonderful.
I did Bikram because of muscle pain I was having from running and it helped tremendously. I had to stop going to the studio I was attending because of the bullshit they spouted about eliminating toxins (WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!) and burning 900 calories per session. Okey dokey.
Those orange and grey ones needed to be killed with fire.
You do know that if you rape a girl it really isn't cause for bragging about how they like your "big" dick. You are off your trolling game. Try harder next time to at least keep a flow of logic.