
I would be into it, but then I just think Sherlock would be so emotionally abusive in a relationship that I wouldn't want Watson to go through it.

Aww you must think you are so special.


Thanks! I feel like tailoring is a little bit of a "duh", but I've never actually thought about it before.

Please go crawl back into your hole. Thanks


Jean question! I'm looking for other ladies who may be in my predicament. I have big hips and a butt. However, my butt is not a Kim K butt. Her butt does this magical thing where kit doesn't look wide and makes her thighs look smaller. My butt is wide and sits on top of some hefty thigh meat. Your are so welcome for


Obvious troll is obvious.

Oh my god, he is a serial rapist.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing your story.

Thank you for your intelligent and calm post in the face of some stupid racists.

SO MUCH RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It looks like the carpet I would expect in a 70s porn movie.

Logic! How does it work? Nobody knows!

I've never been a waitress, but those people BUG THE SHIT OUT OF ME. I don't mind fairly well-behaved children at a restaurant. Hell, an outburst or two normal. But running around for an hour and screaming? Nope. Also, assuming you are at a kid-friendly restaurant, if your kid makes a mess, the least you could do is

She is my new favorite person.

"One more example of stupid people treating "MARRIAGE" as if the abstract concept itself is more important than the people who comprise it."

High five for begin bra-less at home!

What an incredible and illuminating post. Thank you.