
Also, the internet is the perfect place for unfunny, offensive, unoriginal, non-thought provoking, lazy, waste of time comments.

You'll get over it. One day.


This slanted journalism is just disgusting.

From what I've read it's due to him being an admitted PED user in the past as well as them having evidence that he attempted to tamper with the investigation. Past use-1st strike, 2nd use-2nd strike, interfering with MLB investigation-3rd strike. Going off MLB's current protocol for PED suspensions, 50 games, 100

I completely disagree. The All-Star Game is supposed to be fun and exciting. Who is more fun and exciting to watch right now than Puig? No one. Should he start? No, not at all. But he should be on the roster. The game means nothing, it's purely for fun.

Yeah, because All-Star Game selections are based on previous seasons. Logic indeed.

Someone should remind Papelbon that Puig has only 9 fewer plate appearances than Pap has pitched in. This means he'll likely have more by the time the All-Star Game rolls around.

Very true.

Not necessarily. There's a reason why rape is one crime and sexual assault is another crime. I know what you mean though.

"Rape joke" seems like a bit of a stretch.

Oh for sure, but I'm calling it a dive. Not trying to rationalize the injury, but there was no reason for him to take a flying leap like he did. Impressive as it may have been.

He was clearly kicked in the face. But if you watch he plants both feet and leaps to the ground. Definitely embellished that part. Still a nasty foul though.

Oh I'm not saying he wasn't fouled. But you can clearly see him plant both feet and take a flying leap to the ground. Definitely got kicked in the face, but he dove to the ground.

Holy hell what a dive! 9.5 for sure.

This is my issue with Bryce Harper. Anytime he makes a dumb mistake it doesn't get criticized because of his "hustle." Yeah, the kid plays the game hard. 90% of the time that's a great thing. But that other 10% will shorten your career and end up hurting your own team in the long run. He's a damn good baseball player,

Oh good, give Duke yet another idea on how to make money.

Ever notice how it's always the guys that suck donkey balls that complain about the media? Ask Pedroia how he feels about the Boston media. Yes, you're going to get shit on when you suck, especially in a town that gives a shit. Don't like it? Go play for the Royals. Oh, and has anyone heard the name TJ Simers?

That was adorable.