
I'm not even a Duke fan and I think this is stupid. We get it Deadspin, you guys hate Duke. Time to find a new dead horse to beat.

I thought Canadians were supposed to ball nice and forgiving.

Aww, come on guys, it's not like he killed anyone.

This has "best-of-craigslist" written all over it.

He should go. I highly doubt he's capable of finding porn on the internet.

I think he was to a point, then he just went along with it to make himself more marketable.

You're joking right? Look at Dez Bryant. 1st round draft pick. Te'o will still go in the first round, maybe a bit lower than before, but NFL teams don't care so much about character as they'd like you to believe.

Guilty of what? He didn't commit any crimes. Did he lie his ass off? Probably, but that's it.

Safest bet in the NBA.

Nice job by the announcer to completely ignore what actually happened. I didn't know Tim McCarver called lacrosse during the MLB offseason.

Even those people have mostly gone away haven't they? Plus if someone is an Armstrong fanboy, they'll find something else to praise him for.

Does anyone outside of the people involved in all the lawsuits really care? Cycling is the dirtiest sport there is. Armstrong is already seen as a colossal prick, him admitting he juiced isn't going to change that.

It's not a tumor!!!

Damn Braylon, did you really have to call out Mark on Twitter like that?

I'm not saying it's right, but the UFC marketing has done it's job with Cain. I was at the Lesnar/Velasquez fight and when Brock walked out, the crowd erupted in a USA USA USA chant. The hispanic guy sitting next to me laughed, as did I knowing Cain's background, and we both said to each other, I wonder if everyone in

Mark? You know you're not supposed to comment on stuff like this.

Wait, you mean there are rational people who work for the NRA who aren't armed to the teeth and just like hunting and/or sport shooting? It's almost like the internet overreacts to everything and a generalized description gets blown way out of proportion. Weird...

Your snarkyness is just disgusting as are your assumptions. Yes, my guns do make me happy. I would also be much happier if innocent people weren't killed, regardless of the method. I too would like automatic weapons banned. I'd also like to see stricter background checks and waiting periods (bet you didn't see that

I'm sick of this simple-minded response. Use your brain just once. What law specifically would you like re-written? Also, do you think re-writing gun laws would curb violence? Norway has extremely tight gun laws, that didn't stop a maniac from killing 77 people last year did it? Should we also outlaw drunk driving?
