
Wouldn’t that make him a Nats fan?

Penis, Reggie. As in that thing you kinda resemble.

Jerry Meals thinks it was the right call.

I'm not saying I don't consider him the GOAT, but just like you have with Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, people will write him off.

No surprise at all Diaz flunked his. Honestly would've been shocked if he hadn't.

They blew two 14-point leads. But I'm sure 3 non-scoring plays were the reason they lost.

So basically the Kings paid $100,000 to give Bettman the finger. Sounds like money well spent to me.

I don't blame him. That's not really the best time to ask a guy for an autograph.

True. He's still making $18 million this year though.

Now is a good time remind everyone that Dalton signed a 6-year $115 million deal this offseason.

That's awesome. I also just read on Twitter that he's apparently very upbeat and is looking forward to his next opportunity.

"I imagine he'd give it all back to play one game. Dude is as passionate as they come."

Completely agree. But the guys still made more money than most people will ever see in their lives before he turned 24. Not exactly heartbreaking.

Definitely sucks and completely unfair that South Carolina made a ton of money off him. Still a little hard to feel really bad for a guy who made $2 million.

What is wrong with people? Seriously, turn your phone when you're recording a video.

You know what I mean. I think he's young enough to wear it won't have an effect, but it's definitely something to think about. Case in point, Johan Santana. He was never the same after that no-hitter where he three 359 pitches or whatever it was.

As much as I hate the Giants, and I do, I really hope it doesn't screw up the rest of his career.

It is. This was supposed to be a joke about how bad the "experts" said the Dallas defense was going to be. Doesn't seem like many people got that. I'll go back to my corner now.