They’re not unpaid, they’re alternatively funded.
They’re not unpaid, they’re alternatively funded.
Not gonna say that I’m always right, but...
Not like LucasArts’ final decade was much better! Star Wars is just cursed. Disney should do what it does with Marvel and hand it out to as many developers as possible.
So you read where I called it “overkill for most people” right?
So you read where I called it “overkill for most people” right?
But that’s not inferior technology.
How is the VC an “inferior technology”? It was just branding for a back catalog storefront. That’s what a lot of people want.
My two seconds after reading this reply experience: miming jerking off while rolling my eyes.
Yeah, man. I love any socialist who distracts Ronan the Accuser so that her team of lovable misfits can grab the Power Stone:
Interesting to watch the fall of America happen in real time. The history books will not look kindly on the right wing.
Thanks for the kind words, foolio. Glad you enjoyed the article :D
What’s the point of being salty on Christmas because what someone likes isn’t what -you- think should be praised?
Twitch video is set to autoplay. Please don’t do that.
Sometimes we’d do 4 players, 99 stock, max items. A good half hour of carnage. Drinks usually involved of course
I’m not taking it personally, I’m just pointing out the fact that it is not a failure, and apparently for some reason it’s a tough pill for you to swallow.
Essentially, the only people seeing the Xbox One as a failure are Sony fanboys... plain and simple. You’ve fallen for this “Console War” BS that's constantly being pitched everywhere.
To an extent sure it matters what the competition is doing, but lets say for example I have a product I’m selling. I’ve sold 100million of them and I’ve made 100billion dollars. You have a competing product, but you’ve only sold 25million of them and only pocketed 25billion dollars. Are you worried that your product…
Bullshit. Not wanting to reply to EVERY twitter @ is not “dodging question.” Twitter is not a journalism site. I call bullshit on these accusations. #MeToo should not be just about believing at face value every accusation.
Sometimes I’m jealous of people who live in public transportation-heavy locations who have the ability to play games like this. I have a 3DS and a Switch (never got a Vita) but I’ve almost never played them away from home (or if I do it’s like a friend’s home).
General Shockrates! You are a bold one!
Hello there.