Unequivocal Twisk

They should break the fourth wall and make it seem like Mel died while filming the Yogurt death scene, the camera pans back to see all the production equipment and everyone on set freakin’ out and crying. ...then suddenly Yogurt miraculously survives and is played now by a different actor for the rest of the movie.

omg yes pleeeease!! Wow! I was grinning ear to ear the entire time he was on screen. I was hoping they’d team up and he was going to be a regular / side kick on the show.

...oh wow, could this be like some sort of temporal rift in Star Wars? Like in Groundhog Day or a few episodes throughout the various Star Trek series where someone is repeating a certain day over and over and each time something slightly different is happening.

Needs the option to invert the Y-axis.

This would be great if you could assign it to specific apps. In my case it would be Gmail, Google Voice, and Brave. That’s it. Everything else I use is just the way I want it.

I’ll be playin’ a little bit more of My Friend Pedro, but a friend of mine is here this weekend and we’ll mainly be switching back and forth between Smash and Sonic All-Stars Amazing Best Racing Transformed.

When I was a kid I got to hear old folks drone on and on about how my generation was going to grow up to be sooooo lazy because of things like grocery stores (yep!). I remember the snide comments again and again about how “His generation probably thinks beans come from cans” or about how they had to get up every

I too haven’t finished it yet. Still have lots and lots of side quests that I’d like to wrap up first. One day, eventually, I’ll head towards that castle.

The number of gamers also increases each year. It’s no longer a niche industry for widdle kiddies.  ;)

I wish we could have had this sort of backlash back when the Masters of the Universe trailer came out.

This is what blows me away about Disney saying there’s ‘Star Wars fatigue.’

I...  I couldn’t even finish it. Ugh, give me that time back!

I miss the original main menu music. I know I can view/listen to it on YouTube if I really really really wanted to, but still...

I had quite a few models, the SP was hands down my favorite.  :)

Back when ESB came out, lots of us thought that Vader lied to Luke about being Luke’s father.

Making Rey a Skywalker doesn’t retcon anything IMHO. Back in the day, we thought Vader lied to Luke that he was his father.

LOL yes! Horizon Chase Turbo! That was a pleasant surprise.  :)

Well, despite folks apparently hating it - I’m thoroughly enjoying Crackdown 3 and will keep on playin’ this weekend for sure (singly player only, I’m not much for multiplayer anything). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yep, same here! Ugh. I cannot for the life of me find anything even remotely similar that works across platforms/devices the way that Hangouts does. Ugh.

I bought the season pass on iTunes but couldn’t get through the third episode. I’d read the same thing from a few folks here as well, seemed episode three was a stopping point for them too.