Unequivocal Twisk

They should break the fourth wall and make it seem like Mel died while filming the Yogurt death scene, the camera pans back to see all the production equipment and everyone on set freakin’ out and crying. ...then suddenly Yogurt miraculously survives and is played now by a different actor for the rest of the movie.

I mean, it has to be called Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money, right?

It is not terribly hard to understand as most mass movements have the same or similar tenets and tendencies. People finding solace and worth being part of a larger whole rather than worth in the individual and utilizing a common scapegoat as the cause of their problems.

Air Horn mod on Nexusmods in 3... 2...

Another video, huh? Most people read at work where videos are discouraged. Maybe just write a post.

Guy looks like if Bam Margera made better choices. 

This isn’t a case of Kotaku being paid to crap on NFTs. This is a case of “everyone is telling you that it sucks except the people who want to get rich off you.” The idea is outright terrible from the perspective of anyone who actually consumes games (and fantastic from the perspective of anyone who wants to sell NFTs

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

Yeah you don’t get to cry about “Russophobia” when Russia is brutally invading a country, sorry asshole.

All the pump-and-dump scammers got their money, everyone else still playing the NFT game are Johnny-come-lates that think they still have a chance to juke somebody out of their money, or marks that would have gotten scammed some other way if not for NFTs.

They better de-dorkify that thing. The PS4 and Xbox One actually look nice and my wife doesn't mind them being at the center of the living room. This... Looks dumb. Like it belongs in a CYBERTRUCK. 

It seems like common sense to not have to say this, but here goes anyway:

Every single person that had something to say about the original design needs to get their ass to a theater and see the movie. I can’t think of another time where a movie studio immediately listened to the audience and backtracked this publicly

It’s never been “Han shot first,” goddammit.

Not sure what all the hate and caps lock is about. I thought this was a neat article, seems like the photographer put some effort into it.

Dude, turn down your volume, we can hear you just fine.

Personally, I lost all love for food when I found out that professional chefs change it to taste better by using all kinds of fake spices and herbs and techniques. Also, I am convinced that things I have no idea how to do at a high level are incredibly easy and I could do them if I wanted to, which I don’t, so there. 

almost got recast as Oracle