Unequivocal Twisk

They didn’t screw with any official online components. They created a dedicated server system for people to connect to.

Then rockstar needs to fix pcs multiplayer instead of being lazy fucks.


Of course he is dodging the quesiton. He is a dev, but also a business man. If you talk badly about the people who pay you, and the people who work under you. You are going to suffer for it.

The “deaf to my child” parents are pretty much the worst, you know why? Because good ol’ fashioned Nature designed our species to give a shit about squalling infants. For years, I would have the sensation of milk letdown when someone else’s child would cry. As social animals, we aren’t inured to the obvious needs of a

It will never be old. Horse Armor will go down in history as the post child for ripoff DLC.

It controls like a drunk baby, but that becomes half the fun after awhile.

Xbox won handily.

At what point can we sit back and just acknowledge that this is her experience and look at it with a bit more empathy? She’s hurting.

Yeah that might fly if she hadn’t sued Howard University for discrimination and claimed it was because she was white. This wasn’t when she was 5 years old, she was applying for a teaching assistant job at Howard. So her story changes to suit the questions being asked.


It’s not a matter at how cheap 360’s are now, but it’s for people like me. I have a larger 360 library, and a withering away, unreliable 360. I’m not planning on upgrading still because the titles I want to play are few and far between. However, I am not more inclined now to look more towards the Xbox One if only

My first system was a Sears Pong system in the 70s. The Atari 2600 was a huge step up. Kids today.......

All of these posters look terrible.

This is what happens when people let the internet raise their children. (Did yours lisp? My queen of the dragons lisped. Technically, she was queen of the dragonth.)

Google Music All Access

just because you pass judgment WAY to quickly dosent make it a bad game, it makes you a terrible gamer