
A lot of produce freezes well. You don’t typically have to do much to it before freezing (clean it up and cut it and maybe blanch it). Just google whether the produce will freeze. We have a big freezer and it’s been a life saver when the kids get tired of a particular item or I can get a good price on it (especially

Oh this is too funny. This is so area dependent. We are in South Jersey near the beach (but not on the beach). We hired contractors and not the cheapest ones that we could find. We thought they had good reputations based on some recommendations from co-workers and reviews online. What we didn’t know was that the beach

We had started off never giving them juice. That ended when we had to give them steroids and the only thing the pediatrician could suggest to cover up the taste was orange juice. Yeah my kids have never had orange juice and now I have to hope that they will drink it so I can trick them to take some meds!?!?! It did

Also if your company offers you a 401k that allows pre-tax dollars, I suggest calculating your taxes with the amount that goes in. It will lower your taxable income. I wish I had looked at this and thought about balancing my 401k investments with the taxes that I would owe.

Please hire someone with multiples experience. The articles are totally lacking this perspective. Those of us that had 2 or more at once could really use some lifehacks.

OMG on your Mother’s Day Brunch story. Your husband should have manned up and took the kid to the car. She is already upset anyway. If it was your husband’s idea, you should’ve had a discussion about how he needs to get over it when the kids are upset and just suck it up.

Where is the legend on these? Are the color representations the same across countries, states, etc? I like what they are trying to do but feel these images leave more questions and can easily be manipulated. There isn’t a very good description on the website. If this is to help inform the conversation that climate

Not all cities do this. I complained about my neighbor’s pool that was basically a cesspool. They took my information down and told me that they won’t give it to the neighbor. But that may have been a different situation because of the mosquitoes.

Yeah let’s see you do that with 2 babies. Grant it I would just put them in the stroller still in their carseats. God forbid a stroller manufacturer actually made a double stroller safe for infants. I am so rolling my eyes at this comment.

As a mom of toddler twins, please don’t do this instead of doing something for the Mom in your life. You can do it on top of whatever else that you are doing. But as a care taker, I’d feel really unappreciated and feel like yet again I need to make a sacrifice for someone else. We work our butts off to take care of

Going to throw this out in this thread, but think it depends on the baby and you. Every baby is different. I had twins and the first year was a complete blur for my husband and I. One baby sounds like a piece of cake compared to that. So to me, although maybe tiring depending on the baby, I think one baby sounds easy

I pretty much did the opposite and definitely like the openness better. We had a split level (3 bedrooms 2 baths) and hated the closed off space. I missed being able to converse and such while making dinner (which always made it so much nicer). Then after my c-section, I hated the stairs to every area of the house. So

I get this all the time. It really probably stems from a worry about bad online reviews and sending food back. I’m a white woman married to a Filipino man. Filipino food is delicious but I’ve run into places that won’t serve me what I order and even ask my hubby if it’s okay. Even my Father-In-Law has argued with a

I think it would be helpful to have financial mathematics and a curriculum developed based on math skill level (as to not overwhelm any individual since it is so important). Something that is accessible to everyone to learn about loans, interest rates, and amortization schedules. Even how to research out loans, what a

Not a teacher. But plenty of family that is. Please don’t do this. This seems like a lot to ask from overworked, under paid teachers. I hate that lifehacker put this up here and didn’t think of the consequences. My sister is a special ed teacher. Between the teaching, lesson planing, all the paperwork, and now this,

So this is just to advertise her product!?!? It doesn’t need to be this complicated for most kids and this is just pushing a product.

I think this is a good idea. I have twins so they tend to play together a lot and have their own pretend play games. I’m sometimes lucky to be apart of them. This is probably one of the benefits to having twins lol.

We don’t usually have this issue unless they are especially tired. But I think that’s more because of who my kids are. The one when she is ready for bed, she is going to bed; and the other just can’t fight it without her help. But sometimes they are really into what they are doing/playing, so I usually tell them it’s

Totally agree with you here. Formula feeding twin mom too. Ugh. I hated that. My babies need to eat or would you prefer dead babies. I wish lifehacker would do a better job on these articles.

I’ve done this multiple times just to feed both babies at once. I think if you are there watching them and have a slow flow nipple, you are probably okay. Twin parents have to do what they have to do. I wish lifehacker would do more hacks for twin/multiples parents. I think we could really use some good hacks during