
This seems gimicky to me. I wish there was more about what a “leap” is and how the app works. How bout premature babies? Does it do the math to adjust their age? Are the milestones age ranges? What milestones does it track and how? Could you provide something more substantial as far as it’s accuracy in predictability?

I have twins. They are our first too. That first year was tough and finding daycare to take both of them was overwhelming. My Mom was retiring and decided to retire a few months early to watch our twins for a year. It was such a blessing and I am forever grateful for her to do that. Definitely take your Mom up on

I like the idea that you are trying to diversify this column.

The Federal Government’s maternity/paternity leave is the 12 weeks unpaid leave (in the US). Not sure how that is generous but it’s the same thing everyone gets. States have different policies (New Jersey is great for this). But unfortunately, Federal Employees don’t typical pay into the state benefits and can’t take

They should do what New Jersey does. It’d be a baby step in the right direction. There is state short term disability that covers 6-8 weeks (and 4 weeks prior to birth) and then family leave that covers an additional 6 weeks. Both are a percentage of your salary. But the 6 weeks of family leave can be used by Dad or

Try two newborns.

Wow this is awesome. How did you know that she was ready?

It depends on the state laws. Here in NJ, it’s looser if you live with the tenant (or share a wall or something like that). I forget what the rule is exactly. Definitely a state by state thing here in the US.

I love all of these suggestions and can not recommend them enough. With my twins, I always loved when friends, family, or neighbors that were comfortable with babies would come over and provide a second set of hands. They usually didn’t need too much instruction and just jumped right in. This was so helpful when hubby

Totally agree with all of this. My company is great with this, and I could get the 4 months off. I even got lucky to have my parents watch the twins until they turned 1. If you think putting one in daycare is expensive, try getting slammed with 2 (it was a planned pregnancy but the twins were a complete surprise).

Totally understand the abbreviations on the forums. Who came up with those?

The snoogle was a freaking life saver!! When she gets too uncomfortable, you’ll get so many brownie points for showing up with that.

Best advice I got is do what works for you. Also no one has ever died from crying. Believe me with two, it was hard to meet everyone’s needs when they wanted it. And they are doing fine at 15 months. Everyone tells you that you’ll never sleep or shower again. That is utter BS. I use to take at least a quick shower

Could you please do stuff on multiples? I have 15 month old twins now and I won’t tell you how much bad advice that I’ve been getting (or products for that matter). I’d love to see a topic of separating multiples in daycare/school that is backed by science. I know every kids is different. But I’d love some hacks. God

Ugh. I hate these recommendations as someone who has twins. This doesn’t help. Can’t they provide recommendations based on possible family configurations (multiples, single parents, etc). My pediatrician gives me the same recommendations as for singleton parents. They are difficult to accomplish because of how little