
Sure, if everything is in proportion, paying the higher interest rate is going to pay off the debt faster. However, the minimum payment isn’t always linear —- it’s usually “X% or $Y”. For small enough debts, you hit the $Y which is a larger percentage of the total debt.  A minimum payment on a $3,000 balance is going

While I understand the premise behind both the snowball and the avalanche, I think a hybrid is still applicable. After you allocate your minimum payments and determine how much money you have to apply to debt, any small debt that can be paid off in just a couple of months should still be tackled in snowball method

Yeah, the warnings against getting formula from Canada and Europe is nothing but sheer arrogance, assuming that only the US is qualified to make safe, nutritious formula. Xenophobic, much?

As a man, I feel less worthy to have an opinion on this. However as the parent of two children, who was present at both births and present for the absolutely insane, cult level, timeshare sales pitch they push on you, I feel like it rises to the level of mom shaming. The lactation consultants were incredibly aggressive

What I wish I had done was run the numbers based on my end of year taxes. If your income is pretty steady and you have the option of both, then you could use your traditional 401k contribution to lower your taxable income to the next tax bracket. Of course this depends how far you are from the next lower tax bracket

While the AAP didn’t provide clear reasons why letting infants sleep in car seats outside of moving vehicles may pose a risk...

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:


Guess I’m in the minority here.  We really like ours.  Then again, we’re pretty tidy people so the “view” doesn’t get overwhelming as some are saying.

Yes, I love an open concept for hosting reasons! It makes the party flow better, people stay longer because everyones not scattered (I don’t mind having a room for kids that is separate though if it’s a more family friendly time).

I kinda disagree with this. I dislike houses that are just a bunch of pokey little rooms. I can live with less square footage so long as it’s open with high ceilings so it feels bigger. My parents’ house was built in 1980, and was fairly open-concept before that was a thing. The kitchen looks into the dining area,

It’s news to me people don’t want open floor plan anymore. I love mine, and do entertain constantly, also like being able to see the TV while I’m cooking in the kitchen.

Just what overworked public school teachers need! 30+parents coming at them with books to write personalized messages in...

One of the underlying assumption is that the bottle is propped up because the parent is not watching. It would seem to me that not watching the baby is more of a cause of choking (or at least it becoming more than just a split second cough). I had twins and I propped their bottles up (after they could sit up on their

Because my GP had never heard of perimenopausal arthralgia, I’m posting this for whatever fraction of the laaaadies experience it and have a doctor who’s never heard of it.

This is how I was also. I didn't let my husband touch my breasts at all until each baby was weaned because it was just weird and confusing. But later everything went back to normal.

It came back for me after a couple of months. However, it took a lot longer than that for me to feel sexual about them again. My husband would come near them and I'd get squicked out.