
Nothing will change until these cops start seeing long prison sentences for their actions.

So, 1980-1995 births?

Trump is the anti-politician and has no policy platform beyond he hates politicians. So if you’re the type of person who is angry at democrats, republicans, Mexicans, immigrants, Muslims, Chinese, Europe, NAFTA, NWO, and/or lizard people, Trump will eventually say something that strikes an emotional chord that no

At least we’ll always have the 2006 draft.

I disagree because of intent.

Attention car companies: use gated automatic shifters. They’re perfect. Stop over engineering things that were already fine. A luddite pensioner should be able to sit in a car and know how to do things like shift without having to read a manual.

I think LeBron still wins it. Last year the reasoning behind him not getting it was that the series didn’t get to 7.

This is what I use too. I’ve tried the OxyClean spot cleaner but it doesn’t work as well.

This is what I use too. I’ve tried the OxyClean spot cleaner but it doesn’t work as well.

My dad of unknown heritage was adopted into a religious family but became atheist as an adult, moved across the country, and didn’t much care for his adopted culture. My mom of mixed northern European heritage was born into a religious family, became atheist as an adult, moved across the country, and didn’t much care

Honest question: are we at a point where only people from certain backgrounds are allowed to make art? I don’t have any culture that I can look to and say, “that’s MY culture.” If I were to write a song, I’d be appropriating something from a culture that is not my own. Does that mean I should never write a song?

Michael Lerner is great.

I consider myself....somewhat of an environmentalist. But if mosquitos with zika hit the US? Bring back DDT.

Wah wah I got 6 months in jail for a crime I should’ve gotten 20 years in prison for wah wah. Fuck this kid.

It’s still a little misleading. Maybe call the contract $40m over 6 years with $74m potential incentives?

Mozgov was beat to the spot and it was definitely a moving pick. Not dirty though.

Sachin Tendulkar might have Jordan beat at this point. Jordan’s Bulls career ended almost 20 years ago.

Let’s see...

I did a homestay program about 10 years ago and my host mother’s stance was: women with tattoos are fashionable, men with tattoos are gangsters.

That is a very long sentence.