
I wish I had a fraction of this person’s focus and perseverance.

I’m on the Tony Romo bandwagon solely because we’ve been yelling about how garbage TV guys are for years and the networks still keep giving microphones to dudes like Troy Aikman, Reggie Miller, and Mark Jackson.

How much time and money do dems spend on memes that could be spent engaging communities of color and involving those communities in campaigns? This doesn’t seem difficult.

Over a large enough sample size it is the same.

If a player is “stuck in gold” for dozens of games or even multiple seasons, they’re just a gold player. That’s the point. If you’re not good enough to carry yourself out of your tier, then by definition you belong at that tier. The Bronze to GM runs prove that throwers aren’t an excuse, leavers aren’t an excuse,

Look at reddit or the forums of people complaining about how they’re stuck in Silver/Gold/Plat even though they’re a way better player because of ELO hell.

It is that back and white. 45% of the players you can’t control are on your team, 55% are on the other team. Leavers/throwers will lose you games but never keep you stuck at the same SR over the long term. If you’ve played hundreds of games and are still at the same tier, that’s the tier you belong at.

I agree with everything you said. I think Bronze to GM runs should be retired. We’ve seen it enough times.

It is, and that’s why they end up in GM again really quickly. As much as people love to hate the SR system, it’s pretty good at what it does.

Some matches are just going to be losses because of trolls or leavers. That’s unavoidable. If you’re not a troll or a leaver though, it’s more likely that the troll or the leaver will be on the other team. Over the long term, it’ll be a net positive for your SR. Same thing with the communication - if you make good

True, but given enough games, a low-Diamond player will end up in Diamond. If a player has been at the same rank for dozens of games, or several seasons, that’s their rank.

I think the reason for hating it is empathy for the dozens of other players that end up having to deal with a GM smurf in their game. The players who think they’re a Master Genji stuck in a Gold Genji body will make other excuses.

I genuinely feel bad for the other 11 people in the match, but the Bronze to GM runs are useful. There’s a large percentage of the Overwatch community convinced that they’re stuck in ELO hell. These runs prove that “ELO hell” is just a coping mechanism. If you’re good enough, you can climb from Bronze to GM playing

Part of the problem with trolling is that giving trolls a response justifies and encourages them. If someone makes a sexist comment and gets a rise out of multiple people, their trolling worked. You’ve encouraged them to continue.

I’ve been thinking about Donald Trump’s eating habits and thought: has Donald ever cooked anything in his life? Has he microwaved a burrito, or poured himself a bowl of cereal? If he ate fruit, would he peel his own banana?

Studies on wearing braces to prevent injury have been mixed. Braces are good for stabilizing unstable joints, but a healed injury in a professional cleared to play would not be considered unstable.

It’d be great to see him on a competent, top 10 team in the NBA instead of being trapped on the Kings for his prime years.

Depends on your viewpoint. “Government promises huge tax breaks, company moves 1000 jobs to Mexico anyway” is just as accurate but doesn’t sound as good.

I was in Kyoto on Halloween 10 years ago. The main train station had a Christmas tree up. Zero Halloween related anything around.

The closest thing to damning info I’ve seen in any of the e-mail leaks was the DNC supporting Hillary over Bernie in the primary, which they didn’t hide very well in the first place.