
Non-billionaires are fired for less every single day. Vox placed a editor on leave for apologizing about being a right-wing skinhead 30 years earlier. Walter Palmer had his career destroyed over (what he knew to be) legal hunting.

Education and awareness of what? Pretty sure most people know that the loud shooty thing makes humans die.

They’re amazing. I’ve used the Japanese ones and will definitely be getting one in the future. With the Japanese ones, it’s either an addition to a standard toilet or built in to the toilet itself with a control panel off to the side. Press the button that looks like water squirting at a buttcrack, a faucet extends

Blatt will be coaching former Notre Dame & Cleveland Cavalier great Luke Harangody!

How do you appraise the value of A? Without B, A is basically worthless.

Which is an awful practice because it effectively pits states against one another. This is one of those lovely loopholes that will never be fixed - corporations get to price shop their taxes and the politicians that “win” get to brag about being job creators.

The bowl is better than the burrito. Burritos are messy and the tortilla adds nothing.

He’s been bad for years, that’s why Turner forces him to do games with Reggie Miller. Nobody notices how bad Marv is while being forced to listen to Reggie.

If it weren’t for those damned defiant Chinese students, the tanks would have delivered fusion power by now!

Still enough time to throw bananas at black soccer players though.

Very few are passionate about pragmatic budgets and small government. Traditionally, that’s the basic republican platform, but that’s not how it works in practice. There was a survey recently (can’t find the link) but the result was that the overwhelming majority of people want the government to be bigger and do more

Says the guy posting the same response to every comment.

Honest question: why is it that Bernie/Trump supporters immediately go to misdirection when confronted with anything negative? Bernie Sanders’ supporters are inundating an innocent woman with death threats, but that’s okay because a Hillary supporter was arrested once?

Nothing about the GOP fed conspiracy theory machine? A large percentage of voters are convinced Hillary issued a stand down order in Benghazi to specifically to let Americans die. They’re also convinced one of the first things she’ll do in office is send the military into people’s homes to take their guns.

I would have voted for her but couldn’t because of my state’s rules.

I don’t think Hillary’s supporters have nearly the same level of passion as Sanders or Trump supporters. If anything, the passion and vitriol from Sanders/Trump supporters has made it difficult to argue in favor of Hillary in any forum online.

Genuine question: is there any evidence of Clinton supporters engaging in death threats and/or violence?

I hope you’ll agree that getting developers to think “What if this were a girl?” rather than assuming a male default is a very good thing for gaming.

Never trust a movie that uses toilet humor or head trauma in their trailer. They are bad 100% of the time.