
“The professional football team in Washington calls itself the Washington Redskins. As a Native American, do you find that name offensive, or doesn’t it bother you?” If a question were asked like that in court, it’d be considered leading the witness.

The anti-PC crowd is straight up stupid. They bring up “microaggressions” and “safe spaces,” as if these are something common outside of ultra-liberal college campuses, then demand that the entire world be their safe space to be a shitty bigot without fear of criticism.

*reads article*

Sounds like the tie-a-witch-to-a-rock-and-throw-them-in-a-lake test.

Right, because Venezuela is dependent upon a single commodity and is run by an insane dictator and the whole thing collapsed when the money disappeared.

So why did one socialist oil-dependant country fall apart but not the other?

If that’s the case, why isn’t Norway struggling? Why is Saudi Arabia, an oil-based economy on the opposite end of the political spectrum and a US conservative’s wet dream, running out of money like Venezuela?

The title is correct. You’re just a person incapable of separating fact from opinion.

A week or two out of surgery if you’re motivated enough. But you’ll have to lie down in the car to get to the actual Waffle House.

I’ve had a surgery similar to Tiger’s and I totally empathize with him. A few months after a successful surgery, you feel great, like everything is back to normal. But your flexibility takes forever to come back, if it comes back at all, which can make it difficult to do things like swing a golf club.

Good luck and good fortune have a lot to do with it, but it’s counterproductive to focus on that as the largest factor because of how immensely depressing it is. The message it sends is: “The world is rigged against you. No amount of talent or effort can make you successful.” And if that’s what you believe, why try?

Now playing

I loved the South Park episode about redefining “fag”

With most highlight videos like this, the player being highlighted is helped by bad defense. A lot of these Curry highlights are against defenders that are not making any mistakes. I’ve never seen another basketball player exploit such small windows of opportunity so well.

Yahoo is likely the domain from which the current attacks are originating. If it’s an internal IT staffer sending the notice, chances are they’re running an internal e-mail server. They’re preventing e-mail sent by Yahoo accounts from reaching inboxes.

For some reason I figured Far Cry Primal was like Far Cry Blood Dragon: A silly spinoff on the same engine meant to tide people over until the next real game came out.

The issued shares have to come from somewhere. Companies can do a stock split, which increases the shares available and reduces the price of those shares but does not change the market capitalization or who owns what percentage of the company, so that wouldn’t come into play.

Single mothers and their children, specifically those from poor and/or non-white backgrounds, have for some reason never quite stopped being perceived as a threat by right wing “family values” bloviators—whether it’s Jeb Bush arguing in a 1995 book for the “public condemnation” of pregnancies “out of wedlock,” Rick

2015-16 season:

Two years ago it was pretty much just Curry and Lillard shooting off-the-bounce 3s from ridiculous distances. Now every shooter thinks they can do that.