
Lillard personally called Colangelo and was added to the pool for the national team.

You’re correct - Portland was called for a defensive 3 seconds and Utah made that FT during Lillard’s run.

DeMarcus Cousins (Stuck on a really hard boss in Bloodborne) - OUT

This story is just crushing. I have no idea how Monty was able to stand up there and speak without breaking down into tears.

Based on the (mostly conservative) political memes and posts I see on social media, I’m not 100% opposed to something like this happening in the US. The misinformation and lies flying around are astounding.

“They don’t make cars like they used to!” is a VERY common misconception. A barebones compact car today is probably safer than anything made 10+ years ago.

This comment deserves more recognition.

It is censorship. You can agree or disagree with it, but to pretend it’s not censorship is silly.

Agreed. I finished the single player parts and haven’t played since.

Good Kinja. I hope he dies soon.

Scarface is censored when TBS shows it, but if you ordered Scarface on Amazon and a censored DVD arrived without any notice that content was removed, you’d be upset. Same thing here.

“If I don’t see an accurate, positive representation of my unique self in somebody else’s work of art, that art is worthless.”

It has its downsides, and this is one of them, but the current system is the fairest that it can ever be. The agent negotiates the contract with the studio, and if the actor/actress wants to do the job for that amount of money, they agree to the contract.

College football ovetime rules are SO MUCH BETTER. Why can’t we just do that in the NFL? It’s more simple, more exciting, and we know it works.


Reason number 10 billion why we should treat marijuana like alcohol instead of treating it like heroin.

Good. Mendoza is way better than Schilling or Kruk during games.

Unions are a crapshoot. Some are great, some are ineffective, some destroy entire industries, and the big ones like to gum up the political process. Strong and enforced national labor laws and standards could (and should) eliminate the need for unions.

Mason Plumlee, having joined the NBA franchise in the strip club capital of America, seems to thrive in his newfound environment.

Liberals are prudes now too. They’ll criticize school dress codes on Jezebel then pop over to Kotaku and complain that video game characters have a poor skin pixel to clothes pixel ratio. The whole thing is crazy.