
So...advertisements? That’s actually pretty sad.

I forgot to renew my car registration. I drove around nervously with an expired sticker for a few days when I realized that I just don’t see many police cars on my daily commute and that a “2015” registration sticker looks an awful lot like a “2016” from a few yards away.

Careful, you might sprain your wrist patting yourself on the back so hard.

assault rifles, and semiautomatic handguns.

Thoughtful and heartwarming.

Nissan & ESPN’s Heisman fan vote results are in: Yao Ming has won the 2015 Heisman Trophy.

It’s not that they’re worried about how well it would sell, they’re worried about backlash and boycotts from people who aren’t in their demographic anyway.

There are people that will buy it, just as the always have, but Koei/Tecmo is too afraid of the backlash they’d get from people who wouldn’t buy it anyway.

It’s 2015. People who used to support freedom of expression now support censorship in the form of shaming campaigns.

Let’s coat everything in tardigrades. Bam, everything is indestructible.

Minimum 16 rules experts throughout the league, one watching each game with access to all replays. That expert is allowed to reverse, review, and/or overturn any play.

Couple that with the fact that AWP-ers as high caliber as GuardiaN put painstaking study into knowing every spot opponents might be hiding—every shot they might be able to take—and it seems like GuardiaN realized there could be someone hiding there and, aware of a fairly common CSGO glitch, zoomed in to hunt for a

Sony really dropped the ball here, because the Vita is the best handheld game ever made and has some of the best games ever made on it, even if most of them are available on other systems.

With the jeans and sweatpants it makes a huge difference. With the other stuff, I mostly skip the dryer because it seems like an unnecessary step, since it dries off so quickly on its own.

This is why you get a spouse and ask them, “does this smell okay?” all the time.

Only with jeans. I’ll wear jeans every day for 2 weeks before washing them. If they don’t smell and they don’t have anything on them that needs to be washed off, what’s the point?

So...what is okay to make a joke about?

It’s always a good idea to let law enforcement handle things like addiction treatment and prenatal care. Oh by the way, we’ll need to gut healthcare funding to help pay for the increased law enforcement costs. It’s for the greater good!

Take Chernobyl out of the equation (it was a type of construction that was outdated at the time and took several human errors happening at once to occur) and more people die in coal mines annually than have ever died from nuclear power generation. More people die in 1 year servicing wind turbines in the US than have