
If Blazing Saddles came out in 2015, everybody involved with creating or greenlighting the movie would be set adrift on an iceberg.

You, the viewer, will always overestimate how funny comedies are if you see them for the first time when you’re in your mid teens through early 20s. It’s no coincidence that movies from the 1970s are overrepresented on this list.

I love video games and I still can’t bring myself to buy either one. My TV is undersized even for the PS3. It’s only 720p and often hard to read text. Easier games like Assassin’s Creed are fine, but Dark Souls 2 was nearly impossible to play. That will need to be upgraded before I can start considering upgrading the

If the majority of the money ends up going to the victims, then I’m all for this.

This is what I’m hoping.

If you did that, the X-axis would also need to be inverted.

So why not invert X-axis too? When you look left, the back of your head moves to the right.

Inverted Y-axis is terrible and anyone who uses it is certifiably insane.

This is something I don’t understand: why is the end (having the demographics of every job match the demographics of the nation) more important than the means (eliminating racial distinctions)? We never see the demographics issue come up with professions that skew female or non-white.


Based on the movie “Look Who’s Talking,” I thought babies happened after a heavy makeout sesh.

I meant the original, not Afterbirth.

C’mon guys. It does not fall under Title IX and girls can attend. From the link:

You’re doing it right, Twitter is the best place for that.

For those interested, the only other 20 point quarter was CJ McCollum (22 points) in the 1st quarter vs New Orleans on 10/28.

I’m still over here patiently waiting for a price drop in the PS Store so I can buy it for Vita.

The star was confusing? Really?

It’s prescription only in Oregon and Mississippi thanks to meth.

MLS stadiums are larger than NBA/NHL arenas.

If you love sports, make it a point to go to a Timbers match at some point in your life. It’s an amazing experience.