
Lag in DaS2 is amazingly bad. Very few PVP encounters go by without some sort of bizarre dodge/hit detection issue. Lots of guesswork involved.

Had a co-worker who had to be told during performance reviews to omit unnecessary details. Was hilarious overhearing her get cut off ten seconds into her ramble with, “Are these details relevant?”

While I’m on board for most of this article....

Bob Ley, Ramona Shelburne, and Bomani Jones are the only people worth a crap at ESPN.

Totoro or Ponyo for cute, Nausicaa or Monoke for great, Fireflies or Wind Rises for oh god the tears

Totoro or Ponyo for cute, Nausicaa or Monoke for great, Fireflies or Wind Rises for oh god the tears

I would not turn down a Kit-Kat but I would never buy a Kit-Kat if there’s a Snickers, Milky Way, or Almond Joy nearby.

I...have a hard time believing this. Proof?

I could’ve written the body of this article much more succinctly:

Outrage criticality. College students have enough free time and just enough ignorance to become outraged at things, not because they’re worthy of outrage, but because they feel it should be worthy of outrage, and want all of their peers to know how outraged they are.

It’s probably because I’m getting old, but I hate it when words change meanings. A video cannot be creepypasta because it cannot be copied and pasted.

I don’t care about Hatred, but this sucks. Twitch effectively has a monopoly on live streaming games.

My most common tickets are a subject with some variation of “HELP!!!!!!!!!” and the body of the e-mail being, “x isn’t working.”

See: James Harden

I’ve never needed anyone to do those things. I just want someone to tell me the nature of the problem instead of, “my computer’s not working.”

Ratings have changed over the past few years to discourage smoking in media. The MPAA requires movies to be up front about whether or not they involve smoking tobacco, and even a documentary about FDR would get a knock for “historical smoking,” which is an actual label MPAA forces on movies.

Called it:

Just be honest, and be as detailed as possible when stating your issue.

Suicidal THOUGHTS? I have suicidal thoughts when the shake machine is down for maintenance at Sonic. I have suicidal thoughts when I’m stuck in traffic.

When one of the Diablo 2: LoD ladders reset, I decided I was going to give it a shot with a hardcore necromancer. Necros weren’t very popular, so I figured I could be higher up on the list.

Some of the later boss levels in Catherine were infuriating.