Always be yourself unless you can worg into a dragon, then do that
Always be yourself unless you can worg into a dragon, then do that
Nah, not knowing any Celtics fans is just self protection.
Fail open is the default state for most electric locks, so yes a safety feature
Yeah, I’m from the other side of Drew’s border war, and if someone got me a Barry Sanders signed jersey I’d hang it up in the living room, with a damn spotlight on it. Hell most of Wisconsin has a signed jersey from someone who played for the Vikings.
They do that near where I work, not that they check twice, just write the current location on the ticket as they walk up the street. Such a bunch of useless wankers.
They explain that the nights watch guys have horses so they can make it there ahead of the not fast zombies.
Rear admiral of the yellow booty?
Don't give away the Bills O line plans here
Purity Of Essence.
Ja-ja zsa-zsa
Filed to: Why not both?
Preacher quotes get stars
This. I do olives instead of pepperoni, but the jalapeno pineapple is the way to go.
Vermont maple syrup?!?
Ghosts? That sounds like another episode of the Trump Boys Mysteries! When Jr and.... Eric? Overhear their dad complaining about ghosts writing tweets, they both vow to investigate! Will they figure out who’s stolen Dad’s account, why all the bed linen is missing, and who those pale figures are on the lawn? Tune in to…
We’ve identified the Knicks fan
Counter counterpoint: the Dalai Llama is pretty chill.
“un-american" pizza, from a man who uses a fork.
Cortland for cooking if you want apple shaped apple slices at the end. Pippin or Jonathan for tartness, Fuji or golden for sweetness, grannie Smith for adding 3 lbs of sugar to make an edible pie
Ah, yeah that sounds correct. City collection? Bright yellow? Milwaukee.... Miller lite... A trip to the loo an hour later. Sigh. Yellow. They are now the pee uniforms.