Bartenders should host fundraisers where they patiently listen to my bad jokes over Zoom when I’m drinking alone. Like telehealth, but better.
Bartenders should host fundraisers where they patiently listen to my bad jokes over Zoom when I’m drinking alone. Like telehealth, but better.
Princess Michael of Kent will be wearing a brooch depicting a jar of mayonnaise.
These fuckers LOVE to talk about how much of their wealth they’ve “given away.” Okay you paid billions in taxes. Cool, bro! That’s what you’re supposed to do, and you don’t get a medal for that.
I too work in finance and when I tell people this they assume we are all crooks. I asked someone that said this to me “Do you feel the police are crooks?” The response was no, I responded saying there are stricter controls and harsher disciplinary standards in my profession than there are in law enforcement. If I…
Can you let me know when you will be returning to sports coverage so I can go back to checking in once or twice per day? I have a lot to do today at work and all of these posts about non-sports topics are distracting because I Must Read Every Single One of Them. Whereas with the sports stuff I really only care if its…
The only real point of drama in our wedding planning was my parents’ insistence that we have an open bar. Why? “Because Grandpa expects it and he’ll be pissed otherwise.” I give them a lot of grief for the things they choose to put their foot down on, but they were absolutely right about this.
The eagle warned us.
God that “well if they’re pissed off I must be right” defence is overplayed by everyone these days. If you’re pissing most people off it’s a sign you’re probably just a shite candidate and should do everyone a favour and just piss the fuck off.
If it wasn't reported stolen until after it was announced for auction, I'm #TeamSara.
The most classic rock is igneous.
She has four internationally-recognized gymnastics moves named after her. She’s so good that they had to downgrade the points awarded for at least one of them to prevent other gymnasts from hurting themselves attempting them.
Simone Biles can do whatever the fuck she wants.
Rob Drake, cival war advocate, and friend of the morans.
Yeah, the hardest part for me to discern about the coverage of politics is why the marketing seems to be invariably taken at face value. I don’t mean like “okay, marketing is a necessary part of political gamesmanship, so here is Team X’s marketing pitch.” I mean that transparent marketing pitches are unfailingly and…
They may just say “It’s not for me”, and not “ it’s despicable", can you see the difference, one is normal response about difference of tastes, and other is "I'm self-affected snob who hates people for liking stuff I don't".
Waiting for the Church of Satan to jump in and demand representation....
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”