I think they're the Christmas alternates, and they are playing well, and so they're wearing them in January, because athletes and superstition go together like hitting your head on a cupboard and baldness.
I think they're the Christmas alternates, and they are playing well, and so they're wearing them in January, because athletes and superstition go together like hitting your head on a cupboard and baldness.
This reeks of something from a TV show, if only I could bolt on the memory cores and stop picking around, I'm sure I'd sleuth it out.
Who dates? I just order a pizza and play bad music.
Bourbon was taking a few days off, but the release of the Trump 2020 campaign manifesto in his projection about Democrats and the wall is to much.
Oh the federal workforce leans slightly blue (in general, your Dept of Punishing Brown People may be an exception, and not everything is as cut and dried as blah blah blah) it’s why N Virginia is bluing.
Most of the people not getting paid are Democrats... Who thinks like that? And way to open yourself up to... fuck, I can't even.
Tut tut
No you see, we mean we're not getting play calls from the coaching staff. Easy misunderstanding to make.
Good luck with the career choosing, there is GIN...
I have a complicated theory about the ratio between the authors ego, plus their sense of self satisfaction with hearing themselves speak against the willingness and ability of their editor to put up with this shit.
My only joy is that I borrowed it so I didn't pay to be that pissed off. Sadly I cannot throw it, since the owner loved the damn thing. 'real literature' 'deeper meaning' I'm not drunk enough to relive this.
Finished it (unless that was a fever dream, I’m not going back to check), desperately wish I’d taken your way out.
Beaches please.
If UT redacted the photos, are we sure he’s in the correct heading? Might be any size of dick that was picked for the Senate in Texas.
Damn, Mr Koch is looking RIPPED
All of the clothing. I’m a large, tall human, if you give me that amusing t-shirt or a regular sized jacket or something, it comes to my belly button. Tall sizes or GTFO people. Bring the only tall one can suck some years.
Huh, he got his start on the Cosby show......
The 2020 redistricting will have to be sane, to get Evers to sign it.
Oh what fresh hell is this.
I feel like I should be tut tutting this.