So when Donald started in the real estate business and was sued by Nixon’s Justice Department for racial discrimination, that was just “racial”?
So when Donald started in the real estate business and was sued by Nixon’s Justice Department for racial discrimination, that was just “racial”?
What I’m getting is that Omarosa is a white supremacist collaborator. She does not think of herself as black, but a rare tropical orchid that would dazzle the reptilian eyes of her white overseers. What they chose to see was something entirely different.
History has told me to brace myself for disappointing returns for the midterm elections. People in the US hate voting, especially during midterm elections. Far too many idiots will blather about how every single political, at every single lever, bar none, are absolutely the same , all without offering a shred of…
Unfortunately I’m worried they’ll turn up and then vote for the Green or some independent because the Democrat only deigns to agrees 98.4% with them, politically.
If young godless voters don’t turn out in the mid-term elections I am going to fucking scream. STOP LETTING THESE OLD ASS HYPOCRITICAL FUCKERS DECIDE OUR FUTURE.
When you look at these polls, you have to remember that when they ask “is he uniting the country,” “the country” to them is “them, their friends, and everyone they know personally,” which is white people. Using that metric, he is absolutely uniting his base—against everything that is actually America.
Agreed. There is ZERO. NONE. NIL. NO chance in fucking hell that Bannon didn’t know he was doing. He got his licks in against the administration that’s about to give his ass the pink slip, AND he happens to condemn (sorry DOWNPLAY) white nationalists?
I don’t buy Trump being a part of this. I think that it’s Bannon trying to save face for when he’s shitcanned.
I dunno, something smells like fish, and it’s not Steve Bannon’s fat folds. I think this is a classic case of pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. He’s doing this to distract from something else that’s coming down the pike, that’s even more crazy.
In the way that someone who has been desensitized to internet porn finds themselves only able to orgasm through the most elaborate and obscene methods, so too does Trump now require a safety blanket that is made out of a crowd of people - simple cotton no longer suffices.
1. A lot of his idiot supporters don’t have anything better to do and want to hop on Trump’s power trip wagon.
2. This is a president who has people deliver praising articles/supportive chyrons/rando pictures of him looking powerful to him twice a day, at 9:30am and 4:30pm just because his ego is so fragile. You bet…
Shouldn’t the president be a little busy to hold a public jerk off session in a non re-election year? Is the rally going to be another ..remember how great the election was and doesn’t Hillary suck deal? People still fall for and want to attend this shit?
Yup. And unfortunately, you don’t really ever see the star athlete from high school or the popular kids getting wrapped up in this. You see the anti-social ones or the shut ins or the kids and people who never quite fit in and now feel the world is against them. They find these fucked up echo chambers who feed their…
it’s crazy how Obama had that “stop all deportations” button sitting in his office for 8 years and never once pushed it
My first thought was “Is this dementia or is this just lots of cocaine?”
Walk into any dementia-care area of a nursing home and you can have basically the same conversation. I’m not kidding.
what a rip. if you’re going to label your article “who said it!?”, play the fucking game, don’t give a single anecdote.
I watched this this morning and also noticed after the snub the Polish First Lady remain standing directly in front of Trump blocking him from the camera’s while she chats with Melanina. It’s very subtle, but the fact she doesn’t immediately step back and get out of the way allowing the cameras a clear view of Trump…