Brody's Ugly Baby

I seriously considered leaving the country today. I’m really down.

Sometimes.... I kinda wish the world got nuked... Just like, meh, nukes. Ya know?

will you be sad if he doesnt reply?

If it weren’t so fucking horrifying, this shit would be hilarious..

Dad seems to think it’s probably a year away, or once Ossoff gets elected, if that happens. They’ll impeach him if they’re afraid of being primaried, and I think that the town hall craziness is leading them to that belief. They’ll never say it aloud, of course, but I do think they’re worried, because they’ve never

Can your father tell me what lotto numbers to pick? If he’s psychic, I want in. If he just knows the behavior of a narcissist, then I still have some questions to ask him.

And once again, my father, who, as I have said before on other posts, predicted Trump’s nomination, win, and Russian connections (“there are too many Russians in this campaign”), was right - he also predicted that Trump would blab top secret information to either reporters or foreign countries. He’s been right about

Jared Kushner will be frustrated. He had “fixing the opioid epidemic” on his to-do list for Wednesday afternoon (between “defeat ISIS” at 11:30 AM and “renegotiate NAFTA” by 1:15 PM.) now he’ll have to find something else to do for that hour and a half.

(unintelligible screaming)

The fuck’s wrong with this senile baby? And are these Made in China hats free, or did people need to pay for them? I’d sue if someone threw my paid hat away, even if it read something stupid-as-hell.

Classic Trump. “Here, you oily dirty riff-raff and rabble, adore me, fight over my trinkets!”. Calling that asshole a piece of shit is insulting to real turds.

Yeah, piss of friends and foes alike. This man has an attention span of...

Shit man I’d shake my bosses hand if she said I would continue to get paid but don’t have to come into work anymore and I love my job too. I just love my bed and cats a little more.

I dunno, if you’ve staked your identity and emotional wellbeing on being the hot conservative chick that douchey conservative bros all flock around, suddenly not having an outlet for that attention anymore probably is pretty destabilizing. Guess Tomi will have to figure something else to base her self worth on.

Watching her get eaten by her own is my current catharsis.

She’s had coaches teach her everything from how to fold a napkin to pretending she can empathize with children, including her own. She lives in a cloud.

I also feel like shes had a LOT of work done in mouth. it almost looks painful to talk