Brody's Ugly Baby

I turned to my boyfriend and said, “THAT’S how you get a woman to win. You beat her and berate her mercilessly. Why won’t you do that for me?”

Same, she reminds me of my deceased stepmom who I really loved. She was a lawyer, not warm and fuzzy at all, made some shit decisions, but cared about people immensely.

I guess my point was that she was complicit in creating the the monsters that she is now telling they are ridiculous. She has a voice and a strong following and they listened to that crap for a year. It’s great she united, but she’s walking a tightrope calling them ridiculous.

They already booed him today.

She was about as anti Hillary as they come just a short time ago. I had to unfollow her because she was using republican talking points. DNC must be a lucrative gig. I’m not with Silverman. Obnoxious. P.S. I am a woman and I am with Hillary.

It’s the same way I always speak to other humans who are flipping out, too. Ex husband was a rager and when he got like that I’d lower my voice and speak slowly and clearly. He’d say, “Oooooohhhhhh, you can FAKE calm right now, I know you’re not.” And I’d say, “Well, if I move to the red zone you are in right now and

Llama drama!

A comment from someone on my FB when I posted this morning’s press conference with Philando’s girlfriend:

Her: “It’s REALLY sad. For sure. But how do you know what he was doing? Just because that is her story? I’m not saying he wasn’t... i’m saying the video started after he was shot so we don’t know the whole story

Last night I was obsessed reading Philando’s Facebook all the way back to when he opened it. (I recommend everyone set theirs to private for this reason.) He had a post in there, which I want to screen cap but FB is being weird, that said something to the effect of, “We need to stop black on black crime so the cops

My mother, an all-the-way-to-the-right-I-keep-Fox-on-while-I-sleep kinda gal, said the UC Davis students “deserved it for disobeying their parents.” I asked, “How in the world do you know their parents don’t hold the same views and might even be proud of them?” I could see her brain short out.

I was contemplating that too. Might be.

I had the same situation except my teeth had holes from taking Tetracycline before the adult teeth came in at young age. Anyway just recently found a dentist who billed it as “fillings” and I finally got new teef. Find a dentist like that!

Yeah, I went back to edit that word but it was too late.

*statistics, haha

I had a friend (in Texas of course) who I ended up “breaking up with” over a gun argument. She latched onto the tea party shit at the time it was new-ish (right after Obama was elected) and started stockpiling guns in case Obama was gonna take our precious weapons away.

Except he signed and NDA.

“after graduating from wealthy Republican finishing school Southern Methodist University”

My friend went to a very organized, peaceful LGBT protest in Dallas last night. She said she can understand how it escalates, but they kept it civil. However, before the event someone posted this on their invite page:

Indeed. Have you seen this:

I’ve experienced that before.