There Wolf, There Castle

So we’re all autistic as well?

I actually just watched those movies for the first time recently. I didn’t mind him as much in the first movie where he’s supposed to be a douchey 20-something, but my patience for him waned with each subsequent film. By the time I got to Before Sunriseset 3: Twilight New Moon, I was totally out on his character.


There was a table six inches from them! He was ONLY trying to be an asshole.

It’s like trying to watch Say Anything as an adult and you realize that Lloyd is a wishy washy child who wants to pin his entire future on his infinitely more accomplished and brilliant girlfriend by nagging at her and standing under her window with a boom box until she sighs heavily and goes FINE, Dad turned out to

Watching Breaking Bad I thought it was clear that Walt was not a “Hero” but a fucking asshole that let his ego and pride to take over everything that was good on his life, excusing himself with his cancer.

If you thought Walter White is portrayed as a hero in Breaking Bad, you and I must have been watching different shows

I can’t count how many times I’ve pointed out to people that Breaking Bad could have ended after Episode 2 if Walt actually gave a shit about his family. It’s amazing how many fans completely missed the “I did it for me” part.

In no way does Breaking Bad want you to see Walt as a hero. Pride and selfishness are behind every decision he makes practically and they have no problem making the audience aware of that. All the illness did was free his darker impulses under the guise of having nothing left to lose.

The Fish in The Cat in the Hat should be at the top of this list. I know, in the cartoon it is voiced by a guy but the book does not assign that fish a gender and I would argue it is the ultimate Lame Bitch.

We are set up to hate the fish, when all it does is point out that we don’t know that cat and he should not be

The mom from My So Called Life. She is running the family business even though it’s maybe not her calling. Letting her lame-assed husband flail around trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up even though he’s already fucking grown up and has two kids that will need some financial support as they

I am curious. Are you against films that examine the reality of our lives or do you crave false narratives that celebrate woke men who do not actually exist in society. I think sometimes a good film shows you the hard truth. It is not required to offer the politically correct fantasy we expect of men, but will never

*Throws Good Will Hunting onto the bonfire.*

I never understood the hate for her. I thought she was freaking amazing - doing what she has to do to survive... She was the only character that I didn’t hate.

no nut is worth staining a $5000 couch.

I never thought of Walter as a hero. Part of that was that he may have been initially motivated by the right things but he never acted with any sort of decisiveness or resolve. The other part was definitely that he was an asshole to his wife and son, the people who were supposedly benefiting from his actions. He’s the

I hated that movie (never read the graphic novel). Scott is an asshole.

I dated a white rapper and it was terrible. He is terrible. Don’t date white rappers.


Her lawyers better be fast so she can get her half before Schneiderman comes down on everyone with civil asset forfeiture or nobody is getting paid.