There Wolf, There Castle

Please. He’s no patrick bateman. He’s Paul Allen on his best day.

I just saw that movie for the first time about two weeks ago, so I am pleased to understand this reference!

He’s just getting older, and transitioning into a more seasoned version of himself.

That dude is proof that being rich means you get chicks.

+1 reservation at Dorsia

“Don Jr just doesn’t talk about “Sports” by Huey Lewis and the News while wearing a raincoat anymore... I’m really concerned that he’s not himself.”

personally i don’t think anyone talks about Sports enough...raincoat or not...

In a now deleted tweet, Trump tweeted about the Marine “Core” and not the Marine Corps. It was deleted and replaced with the corrected spelling, but President Bone Spurs got DRAGGED as a result:

Well, he was really shaken up when Steve Bannon asked him to feed him a stray cat...

She isn’t dumb. Get out while there are still assets.

Just fucking WOW

Okay so it’s a “solid action movie”, and “[t]he set pieces along the way are almost universally exciting”, and “[a]s Croft, Vikander is constantly evolving”, and the movie adheres to the (rebooted) video game fairly faithfully, but it somehow isn’t ... Tomb-Raidery ... enough for you?

So I hung in there through the “we didn’t evolve” and the “extream love”, but had to tap out at “Asians are super creative.”

To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.

And the so-called leader of the free world is tweeting the following in all caps, because ALL CAPS MAKES IT MORE TRUE:

#DevilInside Every single one of them(GOP)..Devil Inside

Soon that same noose may be pulled naught....careful when u play with fire..

i’m sure you can imagine but after reading your comment i now have the urge to post INXS gifs....

one asshole won’t let his kids say assholish thing about larger orange asshole.

What people do not understand about this administration is that you cannot engage with people or respect people that act in bad faith. I think some intellectuals think that you can just peacefully engage a person and change their minds.