There Wolf, There Castle

Setting up a woman to learn her husband’s unfaithful? Cheetolini may have given Ivanka’s father-in-law an idea...


So, do people really think the pee tape is fake?

Look at this little bitch. Even middle school mean girls have the decency to use three way calling.

i need some bleach

On one hand what the fuck.

This all seems very likely. Even if the source is less than reliable I entirely believe this.

What. The. Fuck.

Yep. The people who are “horrified” at this are all adults. His fan base is teenagers and 20-somethings who have been raised on a steady diet of “free speech means I’m allowed to say and do whatever I want without consequence” and will not abandon him over something like this.

In some ways Logan Paul is like Trump. All you need is a core base of fans and you can get away with anything. So even if the majority hates you your core base keeps you alive.

I think the difference is that Cracked may have had more of a modicum of respect for the dead in their approach whereas Paul...well, he was just a schmarmy douche about it.

American “culture” is very sick. Sociopathic sick.

And people wonder why we have Trump as president.

“Fear-of-losing-access” reporting

His policy is that if it is something Obama did, but actually worked, he will proclaim it was bad, shut it down, rebrand the exact same thing, then launch it under his name saying it saves the world from the tyranny of Obama. Since this involves brown people, probably will end at “shut it down”.

All the more reason to bail on these sham press conferences.

I think it’s important to press them and follow up, but let’s be honest, it doesn’t really get anywhere. The reason Sanders is going to keep that job is her ability to calmly repeat lies over and over again with her dead eyed stare. Better off to just call some anonymous sources inside the administration and let them

Are they afraid of losing access or have they just given up getting that compulsive liar of a press secretary to actually give a shit about reality, the truth or consistency. I saw her face today and just wanted to beat her to a pulp with a baseball bat. THIS is what his administration has done to me. We are all

2018 has got to move away from “Fear-of-losing-access” reporting.