I just want to be the voice of reason and say that “Just say no” works. I didn’t do any marijuanas in the 80's.
I just want to be the voice of reason and say that “Just say no” works. I didn’t do any marijuanas in the 80's.
The long anticipated release of the #JFKFiles will take place tomorrow. So interesting!
That’s fair. And I’m cool with people not wanting to come, that’s a preference thing. It was just the “I’d rather light myself on fire” bit that was a little sad. Furious, however? No.
I’d rather light myself on fire before I’d live in the US
So you’re suggesting that if Hillary Clinton was married to Richard Spencer it wouldn’t bother you? I mean - I know that’s obviously not the case and is an extreme hyperbolic example, but that is kind of what I’m referring to.
Tangential, but - I went to a Depeche Mode show in Portland Oregon last night. I was in the center of a white vortex so powerful that it could have been featured in “The Day After Tomorrow”. I pointed it out to Mrs. There Castle and she was stunned as she looked around and added “Yes and consider that with the cost of…
We live in a world where the message and the messenger are often intertwined within our minds. As a progressive, I hold her to the same standard I would a conservative. Message or no, being blatantly hypocritical derails everything else she has to say. (I generally hold this maxim to be true when someone is actively…
I think you’re being a little disingenuous. Most politicians on some level operate a cult-of-personality. What I’m suggesting is having a winning candidate who (And this is the part you left out) combines with real progressive attitude. If you want to call Bernie supporters out as cultists- well, there certainly were…
I love that you created this account just to defend yourself.
Don’t want to be called a troll, then don’t sound like a troll. It’s not hard my guy.
but I’m Independent, I’m Latino, and I’m gay.
What in the fuck is going on with the camera work in that tax video. You’re supposed to pivot to the camera that’s recording you, dipshit. Also stop yelling.
Jesus you sound insufferable.
Take your fucking star Jujy.
Thanks, but “Rita Slayworth” is pretty fantastic as well. Just for what it’s worth.
In the normal world you would be right, but this Tweet is exactly his gameplan. Blame the Democrats for the death of Obamacare. His base will eat it up. You can show video of him signing the EO all day long. They couldn’t care less.
You motherfucker.
Did someone say Richard Spencer?
Mike Pence would be the lamest of ducks though. He has zero mandate and by the time Trump was gone it would be either close to or just beyond 2018 elections. The impeachment of a sitting president would absolutely play an astounding affect on the shift in congress. Pence would have to sit on his balls for the balance…