I see you went to Faber too.
I see you went to Faber too.
It all feels like inside baseball to me
I can 100% guarantee there is no way Trump would sign on to the forum if she was the one doing the interview. Not only would he know he’d be held accountable, but worse- the accountability check would be done by a gay woman. It would never ever happen.
I’m guessing it’s this one, but can’t say for sure:
I kind of expect a candidate for the highest office in the land to know more than me.
Honestly- If I wasn’t tethered by work, I’d hop back to a flip phone that is just a phone in a heartbeat.
Lol @ U.
Joanna, you and your Father are both treasures. More please.
The difference is that there are real people being insulted on the stage. (I assume, I keep meaning to watch Veep but windup being sidetracked by other shiny series... OOH LOOK A FARGO!)
Maybe since I don’t really watch roasts, I should just stay in my lane...
I agree with you in general, but don’t all the roasters go after all the other roaster’s looks? I may be wrong but that seems like something that has been done in perpetuity. I feel like that’s kind of par for the course.
Actually I’m wrong, it’s because the original douchenozzel who started this whole line of discussion dismissed all the replies that disagree with him.
Well, if it makes you feel any better I think I just got unfollowed by Jezebel for having stated that opinion. so congrats you’re right I guess.
Wow, you must have a pretty thin skin to dismiss every comment that disagrees with you- while taking a very decent discusssion with it. Pretty disrespectful of the people who are having a conversation with you. Though I’m not entirely surprised. If you can’t support your points without deleting other people’s…
Look, I know full well that I cannot on any level pretend that I understand the experience that people of color are forced to deal with on a daily basis. Neither am I saying that this didn’t happen. What I am saying, however is that we are hearing one side of the story from someone with a massive social media presence…
I’ll meet you half-way on this one, because I absolutely can understand what you’re saying- but very publicly shaming someone without any real proof still rubs me the wrong way. I’ve had situations where my bad day has been misinterpreted- I’m sure we all have. Imagine having that posted on the internet while accusing…
Not to give support mister “#notallwhitepeople” up there but It is fair to point out that neither did the story say that the woman at the store made any derogatory statements about race. The whole thing is predicated on someone’s hurt feelings, and lest we become Trump supporters let’s all remember feelings do not…
Actually Gilliam-esque is a good descriptor- but it went hard on the menace of Gilliam’s films and light on the charm.