it was the perfect Windows OS of all time.
it was the perfect Windows OS of all time.
The McGovern thing is a trope I’ve seen a lot of lately. I’m not the best to explain why he’s not, but here is a good article that does:
I’d love to believe that this will give the Gawker Media outrage brigade a moment of pause before their next witch-hunt but it won’t.
I’m very professional and by the book these days. To look at me you would never suspect that I was a full on goth dj in the mid 90's. To this day (including my now-wife) every woman who has known me post-that phase has loved to try to track down embarrassing photos of me in eyeliner, black lipstick and fishnets. It…
I love the Razer Blade line, but for that much money, I’d go with the 15" GS60 Ghost Pro 4K that is now rocking a 256GB SSD 970M 32GB of RAM and that sweet as hell Steelseries keyboard.
I love the Razer Blade line, but for that much money, I’d go with the 15" GS60 Ghost Pro 4K that is now rocking a…
The majority of people in monogamous relationships have cheated at some point.
Oh God the Tarren Mill / Southshore Raids. So. Much. Fun.
There’s something about the look and style as presented in Serpico, which is a movie that oddly showcases a great deal of what is wrong with the 70's- that is alluring to me. Kind of a weird thing to say I know, but when I look at the way people dressed, and the way they just accepted life as it came because there…
I feel for some reason like the venn diagram of people who watch the Grammys and people who actually use this site is two circles with a pretty good distance between them.
I was thinking today about the number of dead that this one decision is responsible for and it hurts me on my fucking soul.
TJ Miller’s Smirnoff Moscow Mule commercial actually physically broke me of any interest I ever have in seeing him in anything ever again. It is the weirdest visceral reaction I’ve ever had to an advertisement. (And I can’t even honestly say he did anything wrong).
And then once you did go in and you were approved, you got an NDA to sign.
It still boggles my mind that there is this universal hate of Coldplay and yet the Smiths/Morrissey are universally acclaimed.
She came to do songs with our symphony last year- for her age, I just have to say she is a hell of a knockout.
I can’t even look at that cover because all I see is “Heyy” and I have a rage induced seizure.
I’m pretty sure it only reads that way if you’re looking to be offended.
Wow, you completely failed at comprehending what he wrote.
It’s a pity they still cost almost $1300. I just tote a 12" Kali ultrabook that I spent $200 on. Serves mostly the same purpose.