Clearly we should never date.
Clearly we should never date.
Well there’s a difference between doing it politely and just flat out expecting it (which- I don’t know why it makes me cringe but it does.).
How they relate to people in our vicinity. If someone says something rude or mocks someone at a nearby table or that we see while walking - it makes me really worry about any future with them. I once went on a date with a girl who was doing, what I could only assume she thought was witty commentary on the people…
DC is ON THE PULSE. Nothing says 2016 like tribal tats!
That escalated quickly.
Um, we run server 2012 on 6 out of our 9 servers...
A serious flaw in your operating system
You’re right, I was thinking it was Jez proper. Kinja’d
4 Years here no drama and I still can’t get ungreyed.
I starred you, then unstarred you then restarred you. Just so I could give you two.
You probably should have responded to the OP then, because the way it’s worded and based on who you’re responding to- that makes no sense.
Way to miss the point.
I’m married, and I don’t necessarily think he should dump her, but he does need to have a serious discussion about boundaries and their future compatibility.
I always wonder what it would be like for a grown man bringing a woman back to his home and her seeing his ridiculous battle station... or even having something he refers to as his battle station in any serious kind of way.
And yet this game is on almost every single “Best of 2015” List I can find and every review has mentioned what a stellar game it is. I’m pretty sure you’re the one with the issue.
Translation: Reading is hard. I need to mash buttons.
He’s not a troll. This is literally what is happening:
You’re a massive piece of shit.
Well here’s hoping that turns out as well as the new Dune novels did.