There Wolf, There Castle

Oh God... how much do I want an emoji-laden email from Bill Nye???????

if you want your pizza delivered to your house/place of business for free, get up off your ass, and get it yourself

Three seasons of Girls and two seasons of Rome.

Came here to post this.

When I was a teen I was Wakko at the Warner Brothers store. I can verify , when you're in those costumes, you get punched in the balls a lot. Also, your feet get stepped on, and people love to try to trip you. BUT it's a really fun job despite that.

By replying to me you made it no longer pending.

You realize anyone can click the photo and see it, right?

You're on the wrong site if you're looking for independent thought. This place is hive mind on steroids when they get to hating someone.

Oh my god. Separatists. Every. Fucking. Planet.

That was why I quit so early on. I remember these big giant open spaces that felt so dead and uninteresting. Gigantic hallways that felt absolutely unlived in and barren, and groups of mobs that were basically 5 Minions, or 2 Lieutenants and a Minion spaced every 10 yards.

I know because I've seen it.

The door near SFK opened up to the Worgen City in whatever expansion added Furry support.

Banana Republic

My office runs largely on OS X and iPhones and the amount of time I have to do separating out my user issues and explaining how to navigate is such a waste of my business. I could not agree with you more. I was really hoping for a massive revamp in Yosemite.

Blowjobs: They feel fantastic and are the greatest thing ever.

Worked and I got it! Thank you very much!

If the invite doesn't have to go to pair with my personal email and you're willing my burner is: I'd be most appreciative. Regardless, thank you for the offer :)

I just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to PM from Kinja... I can't for the life of me see where the PM button is on your profile. Kinja: Making me feel more stupid every day. Thank you for the offer though!

Nope she would reuse photos of my friends- make a new account- and sneak back onto my page allowing me to think she was them. It was out of control for a while.