Ah well, maybe not then.
Ah well, maybe not then.
I left Facebook a few months ago because of privacy concerns. (even prior to the Real Name flap- my ex was cyberstalking me and I couldn't find a way to keep her from messaging me constantly.). I miss that social aspect of my life. If anyone has an invite please send me a PM, I'd be really interested. Thank you!
It's interesting that you don't think someone can find Lindy West insufferable and not be a misogynist.
Chad Sexington has been for years :(
In all fairness I've had a number of 'chicks' who couldn't handle outright rejection either. This isn't gender-exclusive.
I absolutely agree- never mind the fact that this method is a bridge burner. Unless the person did something horrible, what's the upside to it?
Don't worry, I'm sure that's true of all Jezebel posters when it suits them.
Let's pray we live in a world where the answer is "Neither one of these things.".
I get that Biden is awesome for doing this... but Biden 2016? No. Just no.
Don't feel bad. I grew up in Washington DC. I love my Redskins. It makes me a doubly horrible person.
Actually no one has said a thing like that in these comments. How's that righteous indignation working out for you?
I didn't say anything about rape jokes, did I?
When we have an enlightened society, without rape and sexual abuse, maybe it can be joked about
I'm sure they'll pass it off as "Stylized".
I go to bed at 9:30 all the damn time. It's fantastic.
I came upon the ebook as a weird solution to a weirder problem. My wife and I live in a fairly small apartment and before we were married I managed to stack thousands of books of all types. In order to decorate a bit more efficiently, we decided that if I bought a paperwhite. We wound up keeping classics and…
I am a book smell fiend. I bought my cologne because the advert said that it smelled like the pages of old books (Paul Smith:London) I don't know if it's true but I've worn it for years because just imagining that I smell like old books makes me kind of happy. Clearly I am a marketer's wet dream.
What the actual fuck.
I give up. Congratulations. You win the internet today. Sad thing is that you seem to miss the part where I explained that it makes me sad that so much good discourse gets lopped off by your kind of condescension. Reply to me with something witty about how I'm projecting, or how I'm delusional. Fuck you and…