
I hated myself when I did a /played back during Vanilla! I’m afraid if I saw it now I would kill myself.

this is why I only buy laptops with dvorak keyboards, that way I know for a fact there’s no replacement parts anywhere and I can let it go...

Simply put, a gorgeous man in a gorgeous setting. I think I like this guy better then nathan drake... lol

I took the same path as you. I played bloodborne before any of the souls games. From there I jumped to DS2 which I really enjoyed, but did take a while to get used to the slower combat. I wouldn’t go all the way back to demon souls or ds 1


love it. thanks for bringing it to our eyes!

there is an infinite supply of both. Everything from levels made to be just like classic mario. to complicated puzzels that require only your brain and no platforming skill, to kaizo style hell holes.

I’ve beaten a few of his levels including some of the earlier Pit of Panga levels, but he has left me in the dust lately. I can’t even get past Ultra Star 2.0 let alone these insane new inventions...

when WoW started and raids were 40 man DKP was an absolute necessity even for guilds that only raided 2 or 3 days a week. with 40 people needing gear there had to be a more fair way then random rolls to distribute it.

totally agree. This is a complete nostalgia purchase for me so why not go with the one that matches up with the TV show the closest.

playing them is more fun then watching other people play them. When you’re playing a brutal level at least you pretend that your skillz can effect the outcome and it gives you hope.

yup. don’t know why they stopped doing youtube embed anyway.

I guess my honest question is, do you think that’s wrong? Is it wrong for game designers and character designers to tailor the way a character looks to a particular gender and sexual preference? I don’t think any objective person could argue that what you’re saying isn’t true. I just don’t really know if it matters...

I loved Kara. I still go back every once in a while to solo it when I fall off the wagon and activate my WoW account for a month.

favorite armor and weapons in the game! Great shot

oh man, did you have to throw that ff13 dig in at the end? all your comments were great and it was totally unnecessary. I’ve read the criticisms and they’re mostly valid, but still. I liked the characters and had a good time :-(

WoW was one of my favorite drugs and I’ve done them all. Little to no side effects and felt amazing. I still go back whenever a new expansion comes out, but it won’t ever be like it was. The game HAS changed, but so did we...

I actually teared up during the trailer. God I loved that first game, and this one looks just as beautiful.

Why does everyone hate CAD? It’s not the best comic in the world (Gunnerkrigg Court) but I’ve read the entire archive and I thought some of the older stuff was fun and in some ways either “sweet” or “poignant”.

The problem with the game isn’t the combat, it’s as fun/boring as it ever was. It’s the year long wait between content! I finished everything of interest more then a month ago and unless you’re into farming your way up to mythic gear levels (which will be obsolete a week after the next expansion) there’s now nothing