
Thank you! I was scared to say something because I’m not a die hard like alot of the other people posting, but this was the perfect introduction to Anime for me. Limited number of episodes, great English voice acting, and (at least for me) a moving over-arching story. There’s just something about having your love

I say this same thing. I’m ok with Controls that are hard to master, just not controls that are freaking RANDOM at times!

So sad that life in aggro has become only about FF14 lately. I thought they had a cool art style and I loved the cutesy interactions between the two of them. I guess that stuff hasn’t changed too much, but the subject matter is boring to me and I can’t enjoy the subtleties that made it so fun in the past.

made my day :-)

I love these posts. They always remind me of Kenshin and how much I enjoyed that show...

That’s crazy! I posted literally the same exact level a few nights after I picked up the game. I named it after the Wachowski brothers... anyway it’s one of my most starred levels. I think people like the simplicity...

this. I’ve seen a ton of posts that completely miss the point of the comic. The joke is that if you say the wiiu is the best console you’re going to get some very nsfw responses.

I’m with you. My 5s will work fine for at least one more year while I find an android alternative in a similar size. There’s just no room in my pockets for a larger phone.

I literally watch suidt’s Lunar Dragon run of Super Mario World Weekly. It’s sooo beautiful.

I’ll just say that so far I have not gotten sick of making levels. My big problem is you can only upload 10 so once that limit is reached it’s hard to figure out which one’s to delete especially if they’re being played and having a decent clear rate.

yup. most levels are miserable puzzles that have little or nothing to do with platforming and are mostly just trial and error. Mario isn’t supposed to be puzzles (maybe a few ghost houses), it’s supposed to be progressively harder platforming.

I see what you did there...


lolerskates! I did suspension on one car in my life. Huge mistake. I didn’t race enough for it to pay dividends and I spent all my driving time having panic attacks when I saw a pothole!

For some reason I have a similar problem. If I watch a lets play or speed run and they quickly shift the camera (especially in a spinning motion) it makes me instantly uneasy and nauseous. However, if I perform the same action myself (with a controller or even real life) it has almost no impact. I think it has

I like to watch old speed runs as I’m falling asleep. I used to watch re-runs of some show where I knew every episode just so I would have some noise but not get too interested an dstay awake. I find the speed runs even more soothing... Especially AGDQ or SGDQ

Why do you think WoD is garbage? I’ve found it pretty fun so far. In the interest of fairness I did take 30 days off between brf and hellfire...

alt + z

that being said, so far none of it makes any sense.

I hope I don’t sound racist, but the japanese really know how to do jazz. I love the tracks from cowboy bebop especially. When I was in Kyoto we went to a few piano bars and it was the greatest experience of my LIFE! (exaggeration) I’m only 32 so I had never had the opportunity to sit in a smoke filled club with a