
WiiU has Super Mario 3D World. The best Mario game ever!

Don’t say “so” at the beginning of your turn to speak. It’s totally unnecessary and people do it constantly.

funny you say that because there was so much in this game I couldn’t have pulled off without motion controls. Most specifically the bow and arrow. I suck at aiming and shooting with thumb sticks and being able to make slight corrections with the motion controls took the game from annoying and impossible to a breeze.


funny enough, their botching of a $50 item stopped me from buying their new $300 toy plus $200 in addons... I’ve owned every nintendo going back to the 80's but I’ll def. be buying my switch used somewhere (probably next year after Mario & botw dlc are all out)

totally agree with you, but one could make the argument that someone else finds most of the glitches/tricks/techniques/etc and that many runners are just “stealing” someone else’s work to get a good time and more views. I don’t really think this is true because I’ve watched a ton of speed runners streams and I

well said!

Totally agree with you Heather. I know that in most (if not all) the games I run I will NEVER get a WR. I just don’t have the skill, patience, and time (wife, kids, 50 hour a week job, etc). But that doesn’t stop me from grinding runs, learning new tricks, and watching the best of the best destroy my favorite games.

Doesn’t matter how clean you keep your apartment. If the building is infested, it’s infested. True story...
My ex gf and I were total slobs, (like left animal feces on those training pads for days at a time slobs... there were drugs involved, don’t judge lol). We lived in 3 apartments over the 10 years we were

funny enough I bought a WiiU about 6 months after launch and have used it consistently (even more so then my ps4) since then and yet I was so pissed at the end of its life that I have not bought a switch. I did get BoTW which is obviously a mixed message for someone who’s supposed to be taking a stand, but I realized

Thought this was pretty funny, but I have a weird question... Do you read Gunnerkrigg Court? The writing style here reminds me of City Face’s speaking style...

I would have to have a platformer in there somewhere. Maybe SMW for the SNES. Sometimes I just need a few minutes to a few hours of mindless button pressing and the more complicated (and probably fulfilling) games, like what is mentioned above, don’t do that.

I know what you mean! I got attitude from a clerk the other day who was still in diapers when I graduated high school... felt so old... ugh :-(

my morning and evening commute average about 2-5 MPH in many sections anyway. I hatched 3 eggs on my 2 hour ride home yesterday.

I’ve been doing any% glitchless runs (which is what distortion started with before this glitch was found) and he was able to get well below an hour without any real skips. Even for someone who sucks like me it’s reasonable to beat the game in under 1.5 hours if you skip all optional content and one shot most bosses.

Kyoto was def. an amazing place to visit, but I was totally NOT prepared for the humidity when I arrived. Ended up spending a ton of time at the huge train station/underground mall. It was the one place in Japan I ate McDonalds too. haha.

this. that was an amazing run by an amazing dude. Just his speech at the end and that donation from his dad got an extra $30 out of me to MSF_USA

She really is “the master” of Zarya huh?

Ni no Kuni was amazing! Can’t wait for part 2.