
agreed. face-palming jesus would really let someone know you were disappointed.

Can someone please tell me if I’m crazy? The sun’s light seemed “wrong”. Like the whole world was flipped in a mirror. I actually felt disoriented coming over the bridge into the zone like I was heading east instead of west. Did anyone else get this feeling?

I don’t know what this statue really is... but after seeing it, “Frustrated Jesus” is the name of my new indie band. We play exclusively southern gospal church standards in the style of shoegaze.

Perfect calculations. This is basically my schedule and though I don’t spend it all on just one game I never feel rushed or short of time to get things done (except at work which I’m sure everyone feels). My wife has no job, and we don’t have any kids so she’s closer to the 10 hours a day 7 days a week crew.

I know this will make everyone hate me, but the typo’s in a long story like this are brutal. I have to stop each time I see one and re-read the sentance because something in my mind registers as wrong. I’ll give you a pass if you just say that it’s because the demand for quantity is so great you can’t re-read every

“I had a rough night, and I hate the fucking eagles man...” Thank you so much, put a smile right on my face dude

To be fair though, Wild Hunt does have a very repetitive: go to a spot, use witcher sense to find something, follow the trail set of quests. The story aspect makes it more interesting and bearable, but certainly not original or creative.

I have the problem with the looting as well all the time. Coming off of Bloodborne which had such precise control this game feels loose and difficult for no good reason.

Agreed! dozens of hours spent collecting mounts that I can’t enjoy in any of the current content. Face it, the World itself is mostly dull. The NPC’s are boring, the mobs are like robots on train rails. This place is not alive, it doesn’t even work hard to create the illusion that it’s alive. There’s absolutely no

The removal of flying drives me nuts for a few reasons...

I watched my wife do the hunter quest right before I did the benediction quest on my priest. Those were amazing! Felt a real sense of accomplishment when they were done.

I’ve never lost a save file or had the inability to save, but I’ve had the game crash quite a few times after leaving it suspended for any extended period of time. Especially if you suspend then let the PS4 go into rest mode.

Speaking of speeding along, I found that if you jump every 3 or 4 seconds while sprinting the stamina bar refills while you’re in the air and you can continue to sprint indefinitely. It seems to be faster then the alternative of releasing the sprint button for a second or two. Anyone else try/notice this?

Finally proof that Kotaku is in bed with Beelzebub himself!

new favorite gif, so perfect.

The final chocobo race where you have to collect the balloons, avoid birds, and get below 0.00 is insane! I’ve played through the game about 5 times and have had to attempt the race probably 100+ times to get past it.

first thing I always think of when I see this kind of stuff. Kenshin was the man! Power to those who don’t really want it, less power for those who covet it.

Thanks for posting that main menu song below the first five minutes. Made my DAY! Favorite song in all of final fantasy. This was the song that got me into video game sound tracks. Then once I got tired of them, I still keep several versions of this song on my iPhone at all times. Could just listen to it on repeat

THANK YOU! Limited number of episodes, great action and story. Nothing too culturally specific that it would scare away westerners. This, Tenchi Muyo, and Kenshin got me into it.

This is right on. I’d like to add that it’s difficult to move horizontally in many different professions and fields. Try going from any technical position on a movie to writing or acting...