If it's clean enough, you can probably take a tanker selfie. Just don't get too close. :o
If it's clean enough, you can probably take a tanker selfie. Just don't get too close. :o
Glad I got 225-gallon fuel capacity. 300 miles will take me down to about 5/8 from full.
As someone that drives a liquid tanker for a living and a motorcycle from time to time, I honestly feel less safe in the larger vehicle. The whole escape-path thing is a lot easier on two wheels than eighteen.
... k. Well played, I suppose?
If California didn't have state-wide truck speed limits of 55mph, this wouldn't nearly as problematic (except for, in places, where cars also have the same speed limit). Creating a gap between speeds like that (especially on the open roads, where cars can legally move 70 while trucks are stuck at 55) is actually less…
Trolling much? Try actually driving one, for once. Yeah, they can stop a lot harder than they look (18 wheels of contact and five axles of braking), but when doing so can cause the trailer tandems to lose traction and pick a direction (also known as "jack-knifing"), it's not often the best of ideas.
In this case, I'd…
If he was moving no more than 65mph in the left lane in a 65mph speed limit zone, then he was safely and legally using the left lane (and not "riding it"), as he was clearly using it to pass a vehicle going slower than that.
I fail to see where he takes pride in colliding with the Honda - far too emotional, perhaps?…
Interestingly enough, even if he wasn't using the left lane to take a left exit, he was still legally and (as much as some people on here just don't want to admit) safely using the left lane if he was, as he said, moving a full 65mph.
I can't keep count of how many times a day that happens, even outside of CT. I'll go in to pass someone, and halfway around them, they'll randomly decide to speed up. Repeat ad nauseum until there's a line of cars behind me (and the asshat I'm trying to pass).
Obvious troll is obvious.
Not to mention overtaking in a cruising lane, but most people (law enforcement included) seem to overlook that.
As a truck driver, I most certainly disagree with the first part, but the whole "beating a dead horse" idea is pretty true. Safety institutions and professional drivers alike both spend lots of time and resources warning people not to do things like the Saturn and Honda driver both did, but wastefully so. Our only…
1.) Truck was clearly passing another truck at a reasonable difference in speed (not camping) and, according to the driver, moving 65mph in a 65 zone, the legal maximum. If certain elements of traffic are exceeding that, then they are in violation of the law and are no longer under the protection of the law (including…
It boggles me how some people think that *any* fault lies with the truck driver. Pretty obvious if one knows the law, basic handling and physics of semi trucks, and watching the video once or maybe twice.
Just eyeballing it, I'd say the Classic (red truck) was overtaking the other truck with a difference of about 5mph. He could be crawling by the other truck with less difference than that, and as long as they're passing, it's legal for him to use that lane. Do you have to be blowing the other vehicle's doors off for it…
This! Not everyone seems to realize that most of us CDL drivers were all formerly regular DL holders who only saw things from that point of view. It's extremely enlightening.
In most places where there's three lanes on either side or more, trucks are already forbidden from the far left lane. Forbidding trucks from the left lane in a situation like this, where there's only one cruising lane and one passing lane, would create a stupid-long convoy of trucks stuck at the same speed because a…